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Lebron James (Los Angeles Lakers)

great quotes from Rosenberg of SI

"But James does not have the heart of a champion. He does not have the competitive fire of Jordan, the bull-headed determination of Kobe Bryant, the quiet self-confidence of Tim Duncan, the willful defiance of Isiah Thomas or the winning-is-everything hunger of Magic Johnson. He is an extremely gifted player who wants the easy way out."

"I thought he would stay in Cleveland, because I thought all he cared about was adoration. I was wrong about Cleveland, but he is wrong about adoration. He thinks he'll get it by winning a title. He has insulated himself from the world, surrounded himself with yes men. He has no idea how much backlash he is about to get. That's one of the great ironies of this -- James is trying to flee pressure, but he will just face more of it. He is trying to maximize his 'brand,' but he just damaged it."
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I'm getting really tired of everyone talking about how great the beaches and weather are down here. The beaches are overcrowded, it's either raining or ball soup in the summer, the grass cuts your feet if you aren't wearing close-toed shoes, and it's filled with the least genuine people I've ever met. Lebron can have this hellhole and they deserve each other. Maybe he can be like lamar odom and go bang a Kardashian. He can pick up Reggie Bush's leftover. It's like I told my wife today he better damn well have everything packed. Because this time there is no going home
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muffler dragon;1728978; said:
"Just moving on" wouldn't have amounted to the public spectacle that this situation presented. He brought the publicity on full, and out of that illumination he showed that there isn't any loyalty to the area that he grew up in.

Eh, I don't think it was a big deal. He called a press conference. Big whoop. He likes the star treatment. Is that a surprise? He acts in commercials and has hosted SNL. I don't think it really mattered how Lebron announced it. There still would be thousands of fans acting butthurt. I get the disappointment. Just think the reasoning is bs. People calling him a bitch and every other insult imaginable is only because of him stringing everyone along until his press conference? Really? It was going to be a public spectacle no matter what because of his high profile.
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Heat deal Beasley to Timberwolves for draft pick

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) ? Moments after LeBron James told the world he was headed to Miami, the Heat set to work to make way for the King.
A person with knowledge of the deal told The Associated Press late Thursday night that the Heat have agreed to send forward Michael Beasley to the Timberwolves for Minnesota's 2011 second-round pick and a swap of future first-round picks. The person requested anonymity because the deal has not been officially announced.
The Heat wanted to clear more cap room when James made his announcement Thursday night that he was joining Dwyane Wade and Chris Bosh. The deal ensures that the Heat can pay all three stars and add some supporting cast to make a run at the title.

Read more: Heat trade Michael Beasley to Timberwolves for draft pick - NBA - SI.com
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it seems to me that LeBron has cemented himself on the second level of talent in the NBA, he just became Scottie Pippen

he is admitting that he can't hack it leading a team to a title, so he is depending on Dwayne Wade to lead him to the promised land and do all the hard work that he himself couldn't handle

it's not like I need to tell anyone around here, but as a casual (at best) NBA fan, that seems like a bitch move to rival any bitch move ever made in the history of sports, especially from a player that is supposed to be one of the best to ever play the game
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You can't spell "James" without the M and the E.

The "king" chose to be Robin after failing as Batman. No wonder he needed to make a narcissistic spectacle of it to appease his bruised ego.
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I have been an observer on this site for a long time and never posted but I thought this would be a good topic to start.

I graduated High school 2 years ahead of LBJ and watched him play at the Schott for the basketball State Final Four while my team was there (smaller division). I wish him well in South beach and hope he gets what he wanted most, whatever that may be. I say this b/c he does not owe me anything as a fellow Ohioan but as a fan I will always follow him wherever he goes. I also think LBJ left for his own personal reasons, which I am ok with. Goodluck LBJ and represent Ohio well in Florida and in the NBA!

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AirForceBuck15;1729093; said:
I have been an observer on this site for a long time and never posted but I thought this would be a good topic to start.

I graduated High school 2 years ahead of LBJ and watched him play at the Schott for the basketball State Final Four while my team was there (smaller division). I wish him well in South beach and hope he gets what he wanted most, whatever that may be. I say this b/c he does not owe me anything as a fellow Ohioan but as a fan I will always follow him wherever he goes. I also think LBJ left for his own personal reasons, which I am ok with. Goodluck LBJ and represent Ohio well in Florida and in the NBA!


Whoa whoa whoa. We don't tolerate this kind of behavior around here :)

You are a better person that I it seems. I'm more upset with which the manner he left, not that he left (but still upset about it). I've always thought him to be an overdramatic queen, but because he was on my team and a tremendous talent on the court it didn't bother me all that much. I'm not saying he owes me anything personally, but he owes the fans of Cleveland A LOT more than what he has shown during this offseason.

No offense but the fans pay to see him which in turn pays him, and the fans pay for all his merchandise, and the fans have made him what he is today. Without the fans these athletes aren't anything but athletic; and most wouldn't be jack fucking shit in this world otherwise. They live off the fans and media and have the times of their lives when times are good - so they better be ready to take some shit when times are bad.

As for the media people telling us we should be thankful for the 7 years we had - yeah thanks for feeding us 7 years of bullshit about loyalty, family, home, etc yada yada akron on the map.

Look at the bright side though, we know they have wheelchairs handy courtside in South Beach. Now everytime he falls down he won't have to roll around on the ground for 10mins acting like he just got his leg amputated.
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