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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

How would FSU be a ship wreck of a program when they're going to name Jimbo Fisher as having all of the power of the Head Coach? And it doesn't neccesarily mean the program will be mediocre. If I do remember the same criticism was being said of Brandon Harris 2yrs ago when he chose Miami over us, and everyone thought that he chose a mediocre program with a suspect coach, and 2yrs later he plays for a top 10 team and he's starting at CB, something he wouldn't have been doing for us as a true Soph with the depth we have. Sometimes kids want to go to programs that they've grown up watching and want to play for a young up and coming coach and get early PT. Those are all things going in FSU's favor. I'm not saying I hope Joyner signs with FSU, but I'm just saying kids have different resaons for going to schools than a lot of us fans who are usually homers for our own school.
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pnuts34;1559257; said:
How would FSU be a ship wreck of a program when they're going to name Jimbo Fisher as having all of the power of the Head Coach? And it doesn't neccesarily mean the program will be mediocre. If I do remember the same criticism was being said of Brandon Harris 2yrs ago when he chose Miami over us, and everyone thought that he chose a mediocre program with a suspect coach, and 2yrs later he plays for a top 10 team and he's starting at CB, something he wouldn't have been doing for us as a true Soph with the depth we have. Sometimes kids want to go to programs that they've grown up watching and want to play for a young up and coming coach and get early PT. Those are all things going in FSU's favor. I'm not saying I hope Joyner signs with FSU, but I'm just saying kids have different resaons for going to schools than a lot of us fans who are usually homers for our own school.

how is the argument that randy shannon had to clean up coker's mess the same as jimbo fisher being the de facto guy in charge of a sinking ship remotely the same?
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pnuts34;1559257; said:
How would FSU be a ship wreck of a program when they're going to name Jimbo Fisher as having all of the power of the Head Coach? And it doesn't neccesarily mean the program will be mediocre. If I do remember the same criticism was being said of Brandon Harris 2yrs ago when he chose Miami over us, and everyone thought that he chose a mediocre program with a suspect coach, and 2yrs later he plays for a top 10 team and he's starting at CB, something he wouldn't have been doing for us as a true Soph with the depth we have. Sometimes kids want to go to programs that they've grown up watching and want to play for a young up and coming coach and get early PT. Those are all things going in FSU's favor. I'm not saying I hope Joyner signs with FSU, but I'm just saying kids have different resaons for going to schools than a lot of us fans who are usually homers for our own school.

What makes you think Jimbo Fisher is not already calling some of the shots? How involved do you think Bowden is currently with every aspect of what goes on at FSU?
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I smell a split but that hasn't stopped me in the past :pirate1:

The difference with FSU is they haven't yet come out and stated when Bowden will step down. The thought I have seen/heard is that as long as Bowden is still there, FSU will continue to be an 8-5 program.
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It's real simple in my eyes...put yourself in LJ's place as a lifelong FSU fan or his "dreamschool" as he says....
As a lifelong fan of tOSU and it being my "dreamschool" if I was being given the oppurtunity to go be a Buckeye for 4 or 5 years it would be extremely diffcult for me to turn that down. No matter if Cooper was the coach, Earl Bruce or even Ron Zook. That's my love but, you have to see what else is out there and once you get "inside" the different programs and see what they're about maybe the fact that tOSU is my "dreamschool" it truly may not be my best fit. So, then I'm sure a little apprehension and confusion would set in. Do I go to my "dreamschool" even though they aren't my best fit "today" and go there anyway in the hope that I can be a difference maker and help change things? OR do I go where I know I have a great chance of excelling, be set for LIFE, play for a perennial power who plays for National Championships not conference titles (although Conf. Championships are the 1st goal) and continue in the footsteps of some of the greatest Db's to play in the NFL?
I think either way he can't go wrong. I've followed him since last year and you wanna talk about a kid who's got it figured out look no further than LJ. Outstanding kid with a huge amount of talent but, the young man has his priorites in order. He will be a major influence where ever he chooses...I sincerely believe that. He's genuine and I don't listen to what he says and then think wow someone has programmed him to say that or do that. It's real and that can't be replaced. He's the rare breed that can bring the people around him up. I really hope my son can handle himself this way when he's a teenager. I give LJ and his family major props for the way this young man is and what he's all about. I really hope he becomes a Buckeye but, if he doesn't there won't be that sour taste I get sometimes when kids shun you at the last second for some unknown reason. I know what he is going to do will be what he and his family have decided is best for him to grow and be the best man and football player possible. Truly that's all we should hope for for any young man. Sorry this was so long but, I wanted to make my point.
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JC Shurburtt: With Jimbo Fisher in place as the coach-in-waiting at Florida State, Bobby Bowden's uncertain future won't have a big effect on recruiting - ESPN

One prospect for whom this turnover has changed nothing is Under Armour All-American Lamarcus Joyner (Fort Lauderdale, Fla./Saint Thomas Aquinas). When asked about the situation, he said, "This really doesn't have an impact on anything."

The Noles, Ohio State and Florida continue to be the major three schools in the mix for Joyner, and most believe that barring a total collapse in Tallahassee, Florida State is the clear team to beat.
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FWIW, you also have the "You can be part of the class that brings us back to greatness - and obviously you will be starting from day one, returning punts and starting on defense" argument from Jimbo. As much as they need a good class, that might have a powerful appeal given his attachment to his favorite school since childhood.
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BigJim;1559304; said:
I smell a split but that hasn't stopped me in the past :pirate1:

The difference with FSU is they haven't yet come out and stated when Bowden will step down. The thought I have seen/heard is that as long as Bowden is still there, FSU will continue to be an 8-5 program.

Looking more like 6-6 this year.

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ant80;1560573; said:
I think that would be Florida. FSU is a close second, I believe. 18 and 17 or something like that.

Actually, it's FSU by quite a bit.

Following is a list of schools with the number of consecutive bowl game appearances in parentheses:

Florida State (27)
Florida (18)
Virginia Tech (16)
Georgia, Georgia Tech (12)
Texas (11)
Boston College, Oklahoma (10)
LSU, Ohio State, Texas Tech (9)
Southern Cal (8)

Bowl Streaks
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Gatorubet;1560559; said:
FWIW, you also have the "You can be part of the class that brings us back to greatness - and obviously you will be starting from day one, returning punts and starting on defense" argument from Jimbo. As much as they need a good class, that might have a powerful appeal given his attachment to his favorite school since childhood.

Except for the fact that Greg Reid doesn't start and is their return man already.
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