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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

Cincinnatibuck;1553051; said:
You do know there's two safety positions and he said depth chart(first team, second team, etc.) not starting spots are wide open. Plus, when we go to the nickel Hines moves over to the Star position.

Gotcha! Just miscontrued the comment. I thought he meant that Joyner would automatically be a starter over guys like Johnson and Hines. Even though anythings possible, Hines has looked pretty good out there this year. Don't u think he'd stay at S next year as well in the nickel?
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BigJim;1552952; said:
Plus, the depth chart at safety is WIDE open at OSU next year.

Possibly at corner too...word has it that Chekwa could bolt if the money looks about right. With Amos and Chekwa gone, that would leave a spot to compete for at corner and at Coleman's spot. Of course he would have to earn it with guys like Howard, O. Johnson, Corey Brown, Barnett, Clarke, etc. there, but the opportunity is there. If nothing else, I would love to see Joyner return punts and kicks, plus kick coverage and punt coverage.
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During a kick off return in the first half it appeared that Byrnes was going to get fantastic field position as a rather large crease opened up and the returner was on his way.

Lamarcus came from across the field (the left side of the TV screen) like he was shot out of a gun and made the play.

I rewound the play several times because I couldn't get over the speed.

My wife was getting the kids upstairs for bed and stopped what she was doing when she noticed the play. Now, my wife couldn't care less about sports, but she stopped what she was doing and said "Wow, that kid came out of nowhere."

Joyner is a player.
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Joyner answering the call


St. Thomas Aquinas' Rashad Green tries to elude Byrnes defenders during Firyda's meeting of the nation's two top high schools.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. -- For his first few weeks at St. Thomas Aquinas High, Lamarcus Joyner had to catch two public buses every morning. Then he had to catch a train. During his hour commute from Miami's Liberty City neighborhood to the Fort Lauderdale prep school, Joyner occasionally caught up on homework. Other times, he would sit and think.

"I like thinking," Joyner said Friday. "I like being alone."

Joyner, a defensive back, receiver and kick returner, felt alone at times on his team last year at Southwest Miami High. Certainly he was a star, and college coaches noticed his rare blend of speed, power and ball-hawking skills. But he didn't feel challenged on the football field, and he wasn't making the grades he needed to make himself eligible to play in college.

So, through an uncle who knows St. Thomas Aquinas assistant Cris Carter, yes, that Cris Carter, the rising senior reached out to the program that has produced a steady stream of NFL players as well as a legion of former football players who succeeded in fields that have nothing to do with lugging a leather ball toward an end zone. To gain admittance, he had to meet with St. Thomas Aquinas principal Tina Jones. "She saw that I was a respectful child and that I could come and handle myself at St. Thomas Aquinas," Joyner said. He also had to meet with legendary Raiders coach George Smith. "He'd already seen my highlights," Joyner said. "But you know Coach Smith. He's done seen a lot of great guys. He looked me in the eyes and said, 'Can you play football?' I said, 'Yeah, coach.' "

Even though Joyner is surrounded by fellow blue-chippers, he stood alone again late Friday awaiting a kickoff from Byrnes High, the Duncan, S.C., powerhouse that had come to Fort Lauderdale to wrest the nation's No. 1 ranking away from Joyner's Raiders. Byrnes had just marched the ball down the field to slice the Raiders lead to seven. Mother momentum seemed to have taken up residence on the Rebels sideline. Nothing that came before -- not Joyner's 52-yard touchdown streak or teammate Phillip Dorsett's 73-yard pinballing touchdown catch -- mattered anymore. If St. Thomas Aquinas didn't answer, Byrnes was going to come back and win.

Joyner caught Kaleb Patterson's kick at the 7-yard line and spied a crease. He blasted through the hole and into the open field. No Rebel would catch him, as long as he could run through the cramps seizing his calves. Joyner scored, and while the 42-34 victory wasn't quite secure yet, the Raiders had the upper hand again. Asked what the kickoff play was called Joyner wasn't exactly modest. "We call that Automatic Six," Joyner said. "It's just an automatic with Lamarcus Joyner back there."

As Joyner crossed the goal line, a trio of gridiron greats watched with great interest. Miami Dolphins receiver Ted Ginn, who knows a thing or two about kickoff returns, smiled. Dolphins linebacker Joey Porter yelled. Florida coach Urban Meyer, whose main recruiting target Friday was Joyner, raised both hands in the air in celebration.

Meyer isn't alone in his desire to sign Joyner. From a long list of suitors, Joyner has narrowed his choices to Alabama, Florida, Florida State, Ohio State and USC. And, thanks to his move to St. Thomas Aquinas, he'll probably actually attend one of those schools. Joyner said he had a 2.3 grade point average before he transferred. As he learned more about the NCAA's initial eligibility requirements, he feared he wouldn't qualify. Friday, he happily reported he is carrying a 3.2 as a senior.

Read more: Joyner answering the call for St. Thomas Aquinas - Andy Staples - SI.com
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