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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

He was quick to point out in the the interview after he named OSU the leader that he isn't saying he is going here or not going here, just the current leader. For someone who is tiring of the recruiting process, he sure is saying the things to keep all the teams who are interested on their toes as well as keeping all the recruiting mags and sites happy as someone else already pointed out. It's typical for these kids to go on a visit, name that team as their leader, go on another, then name that team as their favorite. How could you have been in an atmosphere like that and come out of it with anything but positive things to say? I would love to have this kid in this class, but still don't think on LOI Day he dons the scarlet & grey. Still feel he's a heavy Nole lean.

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I think you guys are making this into something it's not. He named OSU his leader. We are in a good spot with him right now it seems and we will have to keep the pressure on to land him. I'm sure it's tough on him with the constant calls and reporters but he also wants to make sure he takes all the time needed to make the right decision. Can't fault a guy for that. Hope he ends up with us!
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I'm sure it's tough on him with the constant calls and reporters but he also wants to make sure he takes all the time needed to make the right decision. Can't fault a guy for that.

I agree 100% and I am not saying he should not take his time. Just thought it was odd he was getting tired of it but will not know until the LOI day or heck even after that if he is still unsure. It seems to me when a kid says what day they will sign they already know where they are going. It is one thing to say I have no idea where I am going or when I will be able to decide but for a young man to say I know I am deciding on this set date means he is pretty close to "knowing". Is that place OSU, Miami, FSU... I have no idea...and I hope he gets to enjoy the process and picks a great school for him. I just thought it was weird how he is tiring of the process but will not know until LOI day.
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craigblitz;1544359; said:
I agree 100% and I am not saying he should not take his time. Just thought it was odd he was getting tired of it but will not know until the LOI day or heck even after that if he is still unsure. It seems to me when a kid says what day they will sign they already know where they are going. It is one thing to say I have no idea where I am going or when I will be able to decide but for a young man to say I know I am deciding on this set date means he is pretty close to "knowing". Is that place OSU, Miami, FSU... I have no idea...and I hope he gets to enjoy the process and picks a great school for him. I just thought it was weird how he is tiring of the process but will not know until LOI day.
I see your point, but it could also mean that he is just out shopping right now and living it up, but isn't putting any pressure on himself and wont go into decision mode until NLOID.
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If he goes on a recruiting traip and eats four lobsters and two steaks, then we can be certain that he'll start out at Free Shoes University.

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: Let the kid enjoy his 15 minutes. Heck, I'm still waiting for mine.
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They layed an egg against an in-state opponent (USF) Starting a back-up QB (since Grothe is out for the year) a Tallahassee native that supposably wan't good enough to play @ FSU. He torched their secondary for 300 +. I think the score was 17-7. ????

Only helps the Buckeyes with Joyner if FSU continues the trend they are on to another 8-4-type season.

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mendensa;1552809; said:
They layed an egg against an in-state opponent (USF) Starting a back-up QB (since Grothe is out for the year) a Tallahassee native that supposably wan't good enough to play @ FSU. He torched their secondary for 300 +. I think the score was 17-7. ????

Only helps the Buckeyes with Joyner if FSU continues the trend they are on to another 8-4-type season.


FSU's remaining schedule:

@ Boston College
@ North Carolina *
@ Clemson
@ Wake Forest
@ Florida

I believe we can assume that the last game there is going in the "L" column. That means that to go 8-4 they only need one loss from BC, GT, NC, Clemson and Wake.

From here, it looks like 8-4 is a stretch goal for this team. Continuing the trend they are on has them staring a .500 record in the face.
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I was speaking more about the 8-4 (trend) regular season they had last year but I understand where you are coming from. I could easily see them dropping 3 more on their remaining schedule this year to finish 7-5. They certainly didn't show any signs of being back to an elite program like everyone was speculating after the annual FSU vs "the U" game earlier this month.

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They layed an egg against an in-state opponent (USF) Starting a back-up QB (since Grothe is out for the year) a Tallahassee native that supposably wan't good enough to play @ FSU. He torched their secondary for 300 +. I think the score was 17-7. ????

Only helps the Buckeyes with Joyner if FSU continues the trend they are on to another 8-4-type season.

Or does he see himself as a person who can get early playing time and help out a struggling secondary?
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