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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

Lamarcus Joyner - College Football Recruiting 2010 - ESPN
Under Armour All-American CB Lamarcus Joyner (Miami/St. Thomas Aquinas) is expected to make an official visit to Notre Dame this weekend, ESPN affiliate Web site IrishSportsDaily.com reports.

Another Under Armour All-American, cornerback Cody Riggs, running back Giovanni Bernard and offensive lineman Brandon Linder, all four-star recruits from St. Thomas Aquinas, are also expected to make the trip.
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Scout $ - Joyner Gives Latest on Recruitment


By Bill Greene...talks about how happy he is with how his team is playing...talks about his performance against Miramar...talks about the fact that he has slowed doing interviews...has not eliminated FSU and continues to look at Florida State, USC, Alabama, Ohio State, Florida and ND...talks about his love of OSU and what he is looking for in a college.
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