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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

genron187;1485004; said:
LOL...what are you talking about?? Why you think i dont like OSU? You think i have $325 to throw away (cost for the spring game)..
Travel costs for spring game: 325
Hours spent helping frank: too many to count
Chance to flash da "U
" in front of Ohio Stadium: PRICELESS

Just sayin :p
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from a newby

I just want to add my gratitude for genron's generous sharing of thoughts, time, and hard earned dollars. I visit/subscribe to several sites but none of the others have information as precious as this. I appreciate Buckeye Planet and genron for being here. I think both are "priceless".:oh:
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drjeff1010;1485301; said:
I just want to add my gratitude for genron's generous sharing of thoughts, time, and hard earned dollars. I visit/subscribe to several sites but none of the others have information as precious as this. I appreciate Buckeye Planet and genron for being here. I think both are "priceless".:oh:


Well put. For anyone remotely in touch with recruiting, your information, insight, and tolerability to our fan base as well as others on this forum is much appreciated.
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Scout $


From FightinGators....Talks about being at St. Thomas Aquinas now and how their program works. Says he has visited Ohio State, Florida State, Tennessee, Alabama and Florida recently. Names Florida State as his leader followed by Ohio State, Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama and USC. Talks about his interests in each of his Top 7 schools and plans on making a decision before signing day.
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osuteke;1486568; said:
If he's already made his mind up about FSU, then why would he come up for the USC game? Is he not coming now?

Uh, maybe because it's a free chance to see two of the top college football programs of all-time play in one of elite venues in the country?
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I'm not so sure the NCAA is done with FSU either...Bobby Bowdens future is definately hanging in the balance. I'm sure Tressel isn't going anywhere for awhile.

After this season we could be losing our entire starting secondary if Chekwa goes early. Theres a great chance he gets PT as a true freshmen.
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