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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1486607; said:
How refreshing... it's be a long time since we've had a "well, we can't win em all, good luck" post before the recruit in question had decided anything, let alone verbaled...

... three days maybe?

Back to LJ: Can't say that I've got any insight into his situation or what goes on in the mind of a young man. I would have to guess though, the situation at FSU must be on his mind.

On that note, what are the potential implications for a player who ends up signing with a school that could be in hot(er) water? This is a serious question. I doubt that FSU would be given the SMU treatment, but anything short of 'no penalties' must have some potential reprocussions for a young man playing there, no?

Curious as to what a kid considering a program that might be in trouble may give up if the trouble were to come to fruituition. Thoughts? If this is not in the appropriate thread, my appologies and please feel free to move.


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Is LJ Deciding this weekend?

I read this link and was quite shocked: FSU shifts focus to Joyner - ESPN.

I didn't know LJ was even thinking about committing before he took his visits? I know OSU looked good early and he loved his spring game visit, but it can't be good that he would pull the trigger this weekend (especially with FSU's two recent commitments) could it?

Genron can you let us know if there is any truth to this?
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I doubt he commits before he sees us play. Seems like a silly rumor. Why not 1) get a free ticket to a great game, being treated like a star, etc? and 2) see what happens with FSU... Both NCAA sanctions-wise and just how they play throughout the season?
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xcrunner;1487847; said:
I doubt he commits before he sees us play. Seems like a silly rumor. Why not 1) get a free ticket to a great game, being treated like a star, etc? and 2) see what happens with FSU... Both NCAA sanctions-wise and just how they play throughout the season?

Even if he committed couldn't he still come to the USC game? The pen doesn't go onto paper so any commitment could still be subject to change.
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curtisdisco;1487785; said:
I read this link and was quite shocked: FSU shifts focus to Joyner - ESPN.

I didn't know LJ was even thinking about committing before he took his visits? I know OSU looked good early and he loved his spring game visit, but it can't be good that he would pull the trigger this weekend (especially with FSU's two recent commitments) could it?

Genron can you let us know if there is any truth to this?

ESPiN article.

Enough said.
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Pimpinnati;1487870; said:
Even if he committed couldn't he still come to the USC game? The pen doesn't go onto paper so any commitment could still be subject to change.
Oh he could for sure but it makes more sense to me to keep the excitement going... I don't know OSU's policy. Would we let him take an official? Some teams might not, I don't know what we would do.
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xcrunner;1487903; said:
Oh he could for sure but it makes more sense to me to keep the excitement going... I don't know OSU's policy. Would we let him take an official? Some teams might not, I don't know what we would do.

Interesting question....based on what we have seen of his character and consideration/respect for all who have been recruiting him I don't think he would make the trip if he announces FSU before then.

I don't see OSU rescinding the offer to come in either.... but I wouldn't expect either side being very excited about it if he has gone public with FSU.
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curtisdisco;1487785; said:
I read this link and was quite shocked: FSU shifts focus to Joyner - ESPN.

I didn't know LJ was even thinking about committing before he took his visits? I know OSU looked good early and he loved his spring game visit, but it can't be good that he would pull the trigger this weekend (especially with FSU's two recent commitments) could it?

Genron can you let us know if there is any truth to this?

Thats a lie. I thought JC was one of the better ones. He reported a complete lie. I got on LJ about saying that but he told me that did not came from him. Oh well, I need to write a book about this when its over.
Ill repost what I wrote on the scout page.

That's dumb..commit before the weekend. FSU fans are really putting a ton of false mess out there. There are a ton of FSU fans including writers. Well hey, listen to me or not that is up to you. I see FSU fans telling me what they know for a fact what is going on b/c they heard from some 'insider'. Well flies must know how to talk human language b/c it's no one in my house but me and LJ. This is my guy. Any commitment is going through me 1st. Im not saying it's my decision, but his decision will be finalized with me. I'm blessed with the right thankfully. No writer will make it, no player, or coach. Ohio State has to show something special and unique that will catch his attention from FSU. It's a recruiting battle now. 1a n 1b...with UGA still in it. This thing can stay simple or it can get complicated. Either way OSU stays either 1a or 1b...
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eobuck;1489861; said:
FSU fans are getting more pathetic by the day. Lurking here and running back to the rivals national board to rip on Genron.

I was going to post the same thing but didn't want to seem like I was trying to start stuff. Welcome to the world of recruiting. They are as classy as they come..... link

"If I were the Buckeyes, I would consider getting information from Joyner himself instead of a complete tool like Genron."
"Apparently you have never seen the Youtube videos of Genron....After watching them, you will understand why FSU fans think hes a complete tool thats only doing whats best for himself and not for Joyner."
Hes living his dream through his nephew. This guy is one of the bigger "Miami fans out there and HATES FSU. Why do you think he doesnt want his nephew at FSU? Because he knows he will kill his beloved Hurricanes for the next 4 years. I dont know if they are still out there or not, but see if you can find the videos where Genron blasts FSU and their fans."
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