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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

genron187;1489707; said:
Oh well, I need to write a book about this when its over.

Now that's a million dollar idea if I've ever heard one. If you need any references, just come here. BKB will pretend to be anyone you want him to be.

Seriously guys, please no more "What do you say, genron?", or negative talk about the other programs in question. genron will respond to things when he's good and ready. It's not like he doesn't have his own life to worry about. He's been more than accommodating to all our concerns, just be patient. Not calling anyone out, but let's not screw up what we have. And the bashing of other schools can be voiced in other threads, just like it's been done before and will be after LJ's recruitment. This thread is about LJ, and considering the special status that it has attained, I think it deserves even more consideration than the set recruiting forum rules. Even though it's obvious that genron doesn't mind the FSU talk, let's keep this thread an example of the best Ohio State fans can be. If you have good FSU (or other school) jabs, voice them in other appropriate threads, or by PM (mindful of the "no recruiting" of prospects or family members rules). Even though genron has become a major part of the discussion, this is LJ's thread. Keep in mind that LJ might be reading every post.
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generaladm;1490971; said:
Now that's a million dollar idea if I've ever heard one. If you need any references, just come here. BKB will pretend to be anyone you want him to be.

Seriously guys, please no more "What do you say, genron?", or negative talk about the other programs in question. genron will respond to things when he's good and ready. It's not like he doesn't have his own life to worry about. He's been more than accommodating to all our concerns, just be patient. Not calling anyone out, but let's not screw up what we have. And the bashing of other schools can be voiced in other threads, just like it's been done before and will be after LJ's recruitment. This thread is about LJ, and considering the special status that it has attained, I think it deserves even more consideration than the set recruiting forum rules. Even though it's obvious that genron doesn't mind the FSU talk, let's keep this thread an example of the best Ohio State fans can be. If you have good FSU (or other school) jabs, voice them in other appropriate threads, or by PM (mindful of the "no recruiting" of prospects or family members rules). Even though genron has become a major part of the discussion, this is LJ's thread. Keep in mind that LJ might be reading every post.
Excellent reminder.

I have nothing to add other than to say that Lamarcus would look really good in scarlet & gray, and I hope to see him in those colors many Saturdays from 2010 - ???. Oh, and that all evidence is that whatever school he chooses, he'll have given the decision careful and thorough consideration. Good luck to the young man, whatever decision he makes.
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Ohio State Buckeyes College Football Recruiting, OSU Big Ten Football, OSU Basketball - Bucknuts.com

A back and forth earlier with a poster on Bucknuts is what prompted this blog post. He was talking about LaMarcus Joyner being moved to safety. I dismissed the idea but the more I thought about it the more sense it makes.

Everyone wants to be as big as possible at corner but speed is so important at corner, so most settle for smaller. Not Ohio State. The Buckeyes like bigger corners because we play a lot of zone. That puts a premium on players who can tackle.

We also demand that our corners play the run. To get what we want from a corner, it is a natural to gravitate to bigger kids.

Joyner is not the typical Buckeye cornerback recruit. He is listed at 5-8. Too often height/weight are exaggerated but I think it is accurate on Joyner. We are assuming he is a corner because of his size. Christian Bryant is listed as a corner because of his size. We are not recruiting him as a corner. We know he does not play corner in high school. Neither does Joyner.

I have seen him make plays on offense. I have seen him be a special teams demon. I have seen him hit like a linebacker. He makes plays all over the field......except as a corner. I am impressed with his football speed but his 40 time is not one of an elite corner prospect with a reported 4.53.

He is a playmaker. He is a bigtime hitter. He has instincts and a nose for the ball. All his skills, the things that have him rated a national top 20 player, are those of a safety. The only thing that says corner is his size. I have more to say about that soon. I have looked at all the Rivals tape. I have looked at all the YouTube tape.

Can anyone point out to me one play where he even lines up at corner?

One of the big questions out there is why the Buckeyes are not offering Latwan Anderson. Maybe that is because we already have our other safety target.

For more check my free blog at The Duane Long Report
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Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong on this; but I felt that last season he played everywhere out of necessity, not out of the lack of corner skills. His previous team's talent level is not at that of STA; with more talent around him he can settle into his niche at the corner position without him needing to play many people's positions. To me; he is a corner, and a shutdown one at that. It's not that he can't be a great safety; he has all the tools necessary.
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I think at safety he could roam and do a lot of damage. Tressel does say that when freshman come in they can pick which position they want to play...so I wouldn't be surprised to see LJ at safety if he does end up joining the good guys.
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I was a little surprised to see Duane Long focus on the 40 time... if Joyner isn't football fast, no one is. I don't know if the quoted 4.53 is accurate or slow or fast or hand-timed or foot-timed or electronic... I don't care. In all the film I've seen he moves as fast as anyone on the field if not faster.
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genron187;1414139; said:
Really, he's going to play corner. It's natural for him. He has abnormal arm length, stupid long fingers, great hips, good burst, and he's very coachable.

Granted this was a while ago, just citing why I posted about him playing corner at STA.
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