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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

genron187;1494231; said:
LOL....Lamarcus did not play any LB last yr. He played mostly FS but he's a player you can move anywhere on the field to make a play. This yr at STA he's going to be starting out Safety but will play a ton of CB as well. You will also see him in the box.

My mistake then. I mistakenly assumed he played some linebacker...I'm not sure why. Maybe I saw him in some of the highlight videos and thought he lined up as an outside 'backer once or twice?
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DontHateOState;1494800; said:
My mistake then. I mistakenly assumed he played some linebacker...I'm not sure why. Maybe I saw him in some of the highlight videos and thought he lined up as an outside 'backer once or twice?

No you are right. Especially in his Soph highlight. He played 3 games at MLB and OLB. What people dont really know is that Lamarcus was hurt last yr. His Stats could have been real sick. He was top 5 in tackles and top 10 in rec yds and Td's playing in Dade county in only 6 games. He missed 3 whole games and was out the 1st Qtr of another during last season. He had an ankle injury and wasn't suppose to play in the playoff game against Berry team. He did all of that on one wheel. To me he had a better Soph yr than JR b/c of what he was able to do for his team.
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Rivals$: http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=965635

Article mentions a possibility of LJ committing to FSU at Seminole Showtime this weekend.

Are people buying this or not? It would be one thing to lose out to FSU in this battle, they're his dream school after all, but if he committs before coming up for the USC game I will not be happy.

Sorry about the direct quote before just wanted people to understand the point of my post.
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BuckeyeJon2006;1499807; said:
Rivals$: http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=965635

Are people buying this or not? It would be one thing to lose out to FSU in this battle, they're his dream school after all, but if he committs before coming up for the USC game I will not be happy.

I agree on one hand but on the other hand it'd be nice to know asap as far as moving on to the next prospect goes.

I wonder if it's the same people generating this buzz in all of these updates about him possibly committing...
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BuckeyeJon2006;1499807; said:
Rivals$: http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=965635

Are people buying this or not? It would be one thing to lose out to FSU in this battle, they're his dream school after all, but if he committs before coming up for the USC game I will not be happy.

I don't doubt he ends up at FSU. Genron has said time and time again that a commit won't come until close to signing day if not on signing day, but who knows what LJ is telling others. FSU is his dream school and LJ is a Florida kid. That's a tough combination to overcome. Imagine FSU trying to pry Chris Wells out of Ohio. That's what Ohio State is trying to do with LJ.
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BuckeyeJon2006;1499807; said:
Rivals$: http://footballrecruiting.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=965635

Article mentions a possibility of LJ committing to FSU at Seminole Showtime this weekend.

Are people buying this or not? It would be one thing to lose out to FSU in this battle, they're his dream school after all, but if he committs before coming up for the USC game I will not be happy.

Sorry about the direct quote before just wanted people to understand the point of my post.

This is about the 4th or 5th rumor of him committing down there in the last 6-8 weeks. So, I'm not overly concerned. Even if he were to make a commitment, the tOSU staff won't let up until NLOID, nor should they. Any commit this weekend would likely be an emotional one. I'll grow concerned if he's committed and doesn't take anymore visits. Until then, I'm not worried.

Even if he were t commit, there's still a lot up in the air at FSU.
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LJ isn't goin issue a verbal this weekend. IMO if FSU comes outta the summer without a commit for LJ their in trouble, which they be in anyway even if he does commit. FSU has so many issues right now...If they fall apart on the field or get into more trouble with the NCAA he could rethink anyways...
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SayNoToMichigan;1499892; said:
LJ isn't goin issue a verbal this weekend. IMO if FSU comes outta the summer without a commit for LJ their in trouble, which they be in anyway even if he does commit. FSU has so many issues right now...If they fall apart on the field or get into more trouble with the NCAA he could rethink anyways...

The only downside is that truthfully explaining what is going at FSU leaves you open to charges of negative recruiting. :lol:
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SayNoToMichigan;1500418; said:
LJ was a no show at Seminole Showtime...Could very good for the good guys...I've said it before, if FSU doesn't get a commit from him before the season I think their in trouble...

Him not being there this weekend could either mean he's seen FSU so many times, that it's pointless to show up, or we have better odds of landing him than many think. Either way, FSU isn't going anywhere near a national championship game even with 3 LJ's on their roster, but we can get the next trophy with only one of him, imo.

Let's hope he picks :osu::oh::io::(
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