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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

Bill Greene has an extended interview with Lamarcus. He says that FSU is at the top of his list, but that he has not given a silent verbal. He also has some very good things to say about tOSU (his '#2 school' right now), and mentions that the tOSU-USC game is his only official visit that's been scheduled.

Lamarcus's responses show that he is a bright, well-grounded young man.

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Wow is all i have to say. What an amazing young man. Here's a kid that's gonna be successful even if he doesn't make it to the NFL.

Doesn't sound like there will be much news if any until September 12th.
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BB73;1503749; said:
Bill Greene has an extended interview with Lamarcus. He says that FSU is at the top of his list, but that he has not given a silent verbal. He also has some very good things to say about tOSU (his '#2 school' right now), and mentions that the tOSU-USC game is his only official visit that's been scheduled.

Lamarcus's responses show that he is a bright, well-grounded young man.


Wow. This young man is impressive. He should be proud of himself. Those close to Lamarcus should be very proud of themselves too. Wow.
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Wow, that core of DB's is ridiculous. The third best player has offers from Florida, FSU, The U, Tennessee, Auburn and more.

That is a Jim Tressel kind of player. Regardless of where you attend school, Mr. Joyner, you have a fan here in Columbus rooting for your success. And from the looks of it, I won't be the only one.
Agree totally, no matter where he ends up he will have my best wishes. Heck he could put on a Bama hat on signing day and he will be my favorite player under Saban's evil regime. :biggrin:
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