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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

SayNoToMichigan;1500418; said:
LJ was a no show at Seminole Showtime...Could very good for the good guys...I've said it before, if FSU doesn't get a commit from him before the season I think their in trouble...

He was there all week. Still rather be in their shoes than any of the other teams involved in this recruitment.
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Buckeyecty4;1500499; said:
He was there all week. Still rather be in their shoes than any of the other teams involved in this recruitment.

He may have been there all week, but still this is a very big plus for us. Also at SS there were over 35+ NFL Alums...The fact he was not there to be around the likes of Myron Rolle or Derrick Brooks, is good for us.
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SayNoToMichigan;1500521; said:
He may have been there all week, but still this is a very big plus for us. Also at SS there were over 35+ NFL Alums...The fact he was not there to be around the likes of Myron Rolle or Derrick Brooks, is good for us.

Myron may have been there, I don't know, but I did see him out in downtown Orlando on Saturday night.
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OUatl;1502120; said:
tOSU might be DB U

Might be ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Chic Harley, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, Ted Provost, Jack Tatum, Mike Sensibaugh, Tim Fox, Neal Colzie, Ray Griffin, Antoine Winfield, Damon Moore, Ahmed Plummer, Nate Clements, Derek Ross, Mike Doss, Chris Gamble, Will Allen, Donte Whitner, Ashton Youboty, Malcolm Jenkins, just to name a few.

You betta recognize!!!!!!111!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!1!1!11!!1!!!
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generaladm;1502128; said:
Might be ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Chic Harley, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, Ted Provost, Jack Tatum, Mike Sensibaugh, Tim Fox, Neal Colzie, Ray Griffin, Antoine Winfield, Damon Moore, Ahmed Plummer, Nate Clements, Derek Ross, Mike Doss, Chris Gamble, Will Allen, Donte Whitner, Ashton Youboty, Malcolm Jenkins, just to name a few.

You betta recognize!!!!!!111!!!!!eleventy!!!!!!!!!!OMG!!!!!!!!!!1!1!11!!1!!!

I laugh at anyone that would like to challenge.
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generaladm;1502128; said:
Might be ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Chic Harley, Les Horvath, Vic Janowicz, Ted Provost, Jack Tatum, Mike Sensibaugh, Tim Fox, Neal Colzie, Ray Griffin, Antoine Winfield, Damon Moore, Ahmed Plummer, Nate Clements, Derek Ross, Mike Doss, Chris Gamble, Will Allen, Donte Whitner, Ashton Youboty, Malcolm Jenkins, just to name a few.

Good list of a few :wink2:.

I think you only got half of the guys I voted for on the Alumni Association's all-time team as DBs. I also voted for Hopalong Cassady and Shawn Springs.

That was just to point out the depth of names on the list. We don't want to get off topic by discussing who should be on that team.

Edit - I must have been thinking about some BP voting, since Hop wasn't a choice at DB for the alumni team
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BB73;1502157; said:
Good list of a few :wink2:.

I think you only got half of the guys I voted for on the Alumni Association's all-time team as DBs. I also voted for Hopalong Cassady and Shawn Springs.

That was just to point out the depth of names on the list. We don't want to get off topic by discussing who should be on that team.

Yeesh, I can't believe I forgot Springs. I meant to include Cassady and Lebeau, but there's just so many...That's why I was sure to point out it was an incomplete list.

Bottom line is, it would be hard for any school to match OSU's DB legacy. In the end, LJ should choose whatever school is best for him.
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osubuckeyes2731;1502283; said:
Don't forget about Donald Washington who was our third string corner and was a 4th round pick this year still.

Donald was only the 3rd string quarterback because of his off the field issues. Had he kept himself outta trouble he would have been the starter.

I am still curious to know why LJ was there for a majority of the week but didnt go to the closing event. I know he will do great things wherever he goes, and really hope he goes to OSU, but wish him the best of luck on where ever he chooses to go.
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