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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

osuteke;1489878; said:
I was going to post the same thing but didn't want to seem like I was trying to start stuff. Welcome to the world of recruiting. They are as classy as they come..... link

"If I were the Buckeyes, I would consider getting information from Joyner himself instead of a complete tool like Genron."
"Apparently you have never seen the Youtube videos of Genron....After watching them, you will understand why FSU fans think hes a complete tool thats only doing whats best for himself and not for Joyner."
Hes living his dream through his nephew. This guy is one of the bigger "Miami fans out there and HATES FSU. Why do you think he doesnt want his nephew at FSU? Because he knows he will kill his beloved Hurricanes for the next 4 years. I dont know if they are still out there or not, but see if you can find the videos where Genron blasts FSU and their fans."

[sarcasm]Jeez I have no clue why Genron would rip FSU fans.[/sarcasm]
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I know that's only a small percentage of FSU fans, but sheesh...I wouldn't want to play for those kinds of people. When I was going through the recruiting process, I read message boards and I actually eliminated a school because they said I was a "package deal with Tony Pittman." I felt disrespected.
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OregonBuckeye;1489930; said:
Please don't negatively recruit, guys.

Agreed. Let Lamarcus and company formulate their own opinions.. let's not get into what the competition is doing. The staff is promoting our product and that's all that's needed.

He'll make his decision based on what's good for him anyways, so it's not like any negative recruitment will help our odds.

Thanks for the info, Genron.
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OUatl;1489972; said:
i really hope we dont lose this great kid to fsu......... that would make me sick.......
You aint the only one....but I would be sick with joy that this is over with whoever he commits with.

That guy said watch my youtube videos???? what the heck is he talking about? He must refer to time he cursed on one of the vids and I just set him striaght. And no I am not a fan of FSU and LJ I consider very close to me. I have planned this thing out for 8 years and i'llbe dog gone if a program in disarray gets him after carefuk planning. But if FSU turns it around and gets him im ok. I will never ever do the tomahawk chop.

And Bama has 6 Srs leaving and another DB may go pro..Thats 7 Db's leaving...Thats a real good situation to ME. Plus the chance to get coached by Nick the evil Satan, i mean Saban
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genron187;1490103; said:
You aint the only one....but I would be sick with joy that this is over with whoever he commits with.

That guy said watch my youtube videos???? what the heck is he talking about? He must refer to time he cursed on one of the vids and I just set him striaght. And no I am not a fan of FSU and LJ I consider very close to me. I have planned this thing out for 8 years and i'llbe dog gone if a program in disarray gets him after carefuk planning. But if FSU turns it around and gets him im ok. I will never ever do the tomahawk chop.

And Bama has 6 Srs leaving and another DB may go pro..Thats 7 Db's leaving...Thats a real good situation to ME. Plus the chance to get coached by Nick the evil Satan, i mean Saban
I read somewhere that they say "O' Saban's bin' Lyin," similar to Osama bin Laden.
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DB "U"

We are DB "U". We have a wonderful staff that is staying in place and stable. We have some incredible facilities and 100k plus crazy fans at the best stadium in college football. I doubt that tOSU could not sell itself.

This is a special place and if LJ is the db we all think he is.....then I cant imagine a better place to get an education and go in the 1st round of the draft. Best of luck to him and his uncle. Go Bucks
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genron187;1490103; said:
I will never ever do the tomahawk chop.
their whole premise is absurd. Its not like osu is going to be a natural favorite of yours either. It would be like an osu fan advising their relative on how to choose between Michigan and Florida. Clearly that's not about personal favorites, at least not from a fan standpoint.

I better stop agreeing with you, or I might be the latest victim of the wife comparison :lol:
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Genron already spoke to this and said he will know when the decision is 'done'... and it isn't done yet... but there were persistent rumors from some FSU circles that Joyner was set to verbal over the weekend.

The weekend came and went and there has been no noise of a verbal to FSU. Good news for those among us standing on the ledge wrt to Joyner and our chances to bring him to Cbus.

JWins and others said long ago that this would be a battle down to the wire and the horse race would have several lead changes...let's hope there is at least one more change at the front down the stretch.

He will be in for the Herbstreit classic and perhaps an official for the USC game... he is giving us a fair shake let's hope the staff can convince him to be a Buckeye.

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