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Lamarcus Joyner (DB New York Jets)

SayNoToMichigan;1484660; said:
Genron, if you don't mind me asking what are your issues with tOSU?

osugrad21;1453088; said:
Ok one last time before we actually have to start handing out infractions....


Next instance is a 1 month ban from the recruiting forum. Its sad that we have to say that, but this isnt hard guys...

Just sayin'
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genron187;1484659; said:
The bible says if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him. So im praying that he'll have that wisdom and factor in everything.

James 1:5

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Very true. But you must have missed the following passage:

And if anyone shall chooseth between institutions of higher learning to play organized football, let that institution be Ohio State. For that is the way to championships.

I believe that passage is from the Book of Tressel. :tongue2:
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DontHateOState;1484666; said:
James 1:5

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him.

Very true. But you must have missed the following passage:

And if anyone shall chooseth between institutions of higher learning to play organized football, let that institution be Ohio State. For that is the way to championships.

I believe that passage is from the Book of Tressel. :tongue2:

LOL, thats too funny
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I'm glad LJ is thinking about deciding early... I always thought he should consider it. Wherever he goes, if he goes early, he seems like a magnet for other recruits to join him. He just has that charismatic appeal, I think other recruits would have to take note. Hopefully, of course, he chooses tOSU :P .

Regarding why genron doesn't like tOSU: Personally I am very curious as well (just for the sake of curiosity), but I think that's a question best left unanswered for now. After LJ commits, I would think it an appropriate time for genron to answer if he wants to? But not now.
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xcrunner;1484778; said:
Regarding why genron doesn't like tOSU: Personally I am very curious as well (just for the sake of curiosity), but I think that's a question best left unanswered for now. After LJ commits, I would think it an appropriate time for genron to answer if he wants to? But not now.

genron never really said he doesn't like OSU or had issues with them, it just wasn't his first choice.

Or at least that is how I read it.
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Piney;1484844; said:
genron never really said he doesn't like OSU or had issues with them, it just wasn't his first choice.

Or at least that is how I read it.

Indeed, I don't think it's an "issue" so much as it is a "preference".

No need for him to state it yet until Lamarcus commits somewhere. I will say though that I like LJ's intangibles, his leadership and passion are something you look for.
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Gatorubet;1484802; said:
Certainly it is true that, as the Good Book says, "Surely, the Ohio State University shall dwell in the house of Big Ten Championships for ever and ever."


"Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the earth"...and a National Championship in the next two years with Saint Pryor.
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Not to try and speak for genron, but any "issues" he has with OSU would not necessarily mean anything negative about the program itself. I'm guessing distance from home would be a legit "issue", but that's just speculation on my part. The best thing genron can do for LJ is to be very thorough in weighing the pros and cons of each program from every possible angle. genron has been very forthcoming and honest with his info on LJ's recruitment, as well as being an asset to the BP community in his own right. Even though I would be interested to hear his thoughts on that particular subject, I don't think it's appropriate in an open forum. Who knows what kind of internet rumors could take flight if the discussion gets too in depth. Not saying anyone who frequents this thread would be party to it, but this is a public site. We are priveleged that genron has given us a bit of an insider's perspective, but we must not forget that the most important thing is LJ's future success, no matter where he ends up. I don't think anyone here crossed a line, but it occurred to me that this forum is not as private as it sometimes seems, and that should be taken into consideration. Just my two cents.
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xcrunner;1484778; said:
I'm glad LJ is thinking about deciding early... I always thought he should consider it. Wherever he goes, if he goes early, he seems like a magnet for other recruits to join him. He just has that charismatic appeal, I think other recruits would have to take note. Hopefully, of course, he chooses tOSU :P .

Regarding why genron doesn't like tOSU: Personally I am very curious as well (just for the sake of curiosity), but I think that's a question best left unanswered for now. After LJ commits, I would think it an appropriate time for genron to answer if he wants to? But not now.

LOL...what are you talking about?? Why you think i dont like OSU? You think i have $325 to throw away (cost for the spring game)..

generaladm;1484897; said:
Not to try and speak for genron, but any "issues" he has with OSU would not necessarily mean anything negative about the program itself. I'm guessing distance from home would be a legit "issue", but that's just speculation on my part. The best thing genron can do for LJ is to be very thorough in weighing the pros and cons of each program from every possible angle. genron has been very forthcoming and honest with his info on LJ's recruitment, as well as being an asset to the BP community in his own right. Even though I would be interested to hear his thoughts on that particular subject, I don't think it's appropriate in an open forum. Who knows what kind of internet rumors could take flight if the discussion gets too in depth. Not saying anyone who frequents this thread would be party to it, but this is a public site. We are priveleged that genron has given us a bit of an insider's perspective, but we must not forget that the most important thing is LJ's future success, no matter where he ends up. I don't think anyone here crossed a line, but it occurred to me that this forum is not as private as it sometimes seems, and that should be taken into consideration. Just my two cents.

You are a 1000% correct on the note. This is a very public site. lol...do you know that there is another site who posts tons of quotes from this board and doesn't even reference the info...I think it's funny, especially b/c one person from each school read this tread. No lie, i think i said it before a while back on here. I use to indirectly tell schools what they needed to hear without being specific to any. And its been real good. Everything as been planned way before.
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genron187;1485004; said:
LOL...what are you talking about?? Why you think i dont like OSU? You think i have $325 to throw away (cost for the spring game)..
You have to understand Genron, when it comes to tOSU recruiting, some poeple always twist things to the negative. :lol:

Your approach to advising LJ (letting him be a man and make his own decision without pressure) is a very refreshing one this day in age. Good on you.
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