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Kevin (Tim “Asshat” Racadb) Warren (ex-B1G Commissioner)

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Good for the NFL and the NBA - they moved early to create a bubble - but MLB failed to create a bubble, then added travel, and the rest is history. You want to play a game with a Rutgers' team that had more than 30 players test positive?
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If no Ohio State football what the F am I supposed to do this fall? Spend time with my wife? This is the worst thing to ever happen.

I’m working through stage 1 and / or stage 2 upgrades for my Audi... coaching some lacrosse and after that...


But that said, I sure as shit am hanging my Block-O and State of Ohio flags this weekend.
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Good for the NFL and the NBA - they moved early to create a bubble - but MLB failed to create a bubble, then added travel, and the rest is history. You want to play a game with a Rutgers' team that had more than 30 players test positive?

The NFL did not create a bubble, so you'll need another reason to continue justifying the panic. The NHL and NBA created bubbles.

The "history" of the MLB outbreaks routinely has gone back to players violating team protocols and going out to bars, etc.. As is always the case, you can't fix stupid.
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If no Ohio State football what the F am I supposed to do this fall? Spend time with my wife? This is the worst thing to ever happen.

We've Got No Football (to the tune of "A pub with no beer")

Oh Loveland the Buckeye, for the first time in his life
Will spend a fall Saturday with his darling wife
He walks in the kitchen, she says 'You know it's the fall?'
Then he breaks down and tells her
'We've got no football!'
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Going after the commish misses the target. You want football? Mask Up! Keep distance. Close bars and restaurants. But the southeast Ohio pinheads chased the voices of reason out of Columbus. And look at the campuses - Alabama 500 cases in less than a week, PSU had to suspend two frats houses for organizing large parties, OSU rounding up groups and suspending more than 200. The Presidents and the commish made the right call. I hate it, but in the face of a society that refuses to sacrifice in order to defeat a communicable disease, whatcha gonna do?
Totally disagree that the commish doesn’t deserve heat. That’s absolutely ridiculous man. This was one of the worst decisions, handled in the worst WAY that I have ever seen

The true statements you say about masking up, etc don’t change that.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
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Are you my alter ego?

We are all somebody or somebody is all of us or some shit. I can't keep all the ins and outs of the site organized.

We've Got No Football (to the tune of "A pub with no beer")

Oh Loveland the Buckeye, for the first time in his life
Will spend a fall Saturday with his darling wife
He walks in the kitchen, she says 'You know it's the fall?'
Then he breaks down and tells her
'We've got no football!'

You sir, are a motherfucking gentleman and a scholar.

That’s what I plan to do. Spend time with your wife.

Speaking of in and out, make sure you bring lots of Tylenol as she always has a headache and you will have one too once she starts blabbing about whatever stupid Hallmark movie she is watching that day.
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Totally disagree that the commish doesn’t deserve heat. That’s absolutely ridiculous man. This was one of the worst decisions, handled in the worst WAY that I have ever seen

The true statements you say about masking up, etc don’t change that.

The two aren’t mutually exclusive.
Not mutually exclusive? Not sure I understand. How could they have a season if the society the teams must live in refuses to follow the protocols? I thought it would be possible to create a sort of leper colony world - contain the players in a single housing/food/on-line classes facility - lockout the infected. Play before an empty stadium (because the lepers refuse to mask up, keep distance).

I wasn't in the meetings (obviously) so I don't know why this wasn't done. Too draconian? Would the players refuse to accept the conditions? Or was it the case that without crowds there wasn't enough money to make it worthwhile -i.e. BTN/Fox/ESPN money doesn't take care of everything ( I think it's Smith who said that they needed to be able to put 60K in the stadium to break even)((try putting 60K in any stadium except the Shoe, Michigan, Penn State, or Camp Randell). Or was it a case that you couldn't get an exemption to bubble the football and basketball teams and cancel all other sports?

My take is that if the nation had followed Dr. Fauci back in March, we'd be in a place where college and college football could have worked. But as I look at the current case level, and as more is revealed about the chronic effects of the virus, as the prevailing thought among the scientists is that there will be a second wave in late October, as I look at the continuing refusal of Americans to follow guidelines, I don't see how Warren, Smith, DeWine could come to any other decision other than close it down.
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