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Kevin (Tim “Asshat” Racadb) Warren (ex-B1G Commissioner)

From the article (*emphasis mine):
While Warren had a stint as a player agent — Husker legend Will Shields was one of his clients — he’s spent most of his career as an NFL executive with the Rams, Lions and Vikings. It’s a very different job path than most athletic directors take either through the coaching or administrative ranks, spending years in and around college athletes and the apparatus that supports them.
I'm wondering what made Warren CV so stunning that, going a completely different path, led to his hire.
We all see corporate bumbling on a regular basis; however, there is typically some understanding of the working of the machine by higher ups to get the right people to communicate on big decisions.
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And that would be 100% intentional too - you isolate and divide the voices and slightly change the stories between silos so they remain confused while you do what you want to do - which is push for spring instead of stick with fall.

Something's big time wrong here....a conference with the resources of the Big Ten simply giving up on a season too soon smells like there are ulterior motives at play like @Jake has said.
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And that would be 100% intentional too - you isolate and divide the voices and slightly change the stories between silos so they remain confused while you do what you want to do - which is push for spring instead of stick with fall.

Something's big time wrong here....a conference with the resources of the Big Ten simply giving up on a season too soon smells like there are ulterior motives at play like @Jake has said.
I get the whole Players Union threat possibly leading to the bad decision but ... but why if that was the true motive would the other leagues not shut down as well.. does SEC/ACC/B12 not fear it the way the B1G & PAC do? or was it simple that B1G and PAC had players that were going to organize and the southern bloc was not ? I think canceling may pave the way more quickly for a Players UNion that actually playing...
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I get the whole Players Union threat possibly leading to the bad decision but ... but why if that was the true motive would the other leagues not shut down as well.. does SEC/ACC/B12 not fear it the way the B1G & PAC do? or was it simple that B1G and PAC had players that were going to organize and the southern bloc was not ? I think canceling may pave the way more quickly for a Players UNion that actually playing...

I don't know - maybe it's because they are willing to deal with the players unions and the B1G and PAC aren't?

Something's not right. All of the ADs being for a singular path forward but the Big Ten commissioner siloing them and clearly giving/disseminating different (or at least inconsistent) information between the ADs does't exactly set up a good precedent.

It could be incompetence. I happen to believe otherwise, these aren't stupid people.
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I don't know - maybe it's because they are willing to deal with the players unions and the B1G and PAC aren't?

Something's not right. All of the ADs being for a singular path forward but the Big Ten commissioner siloing them and clearly giving/disseminating different (or at least inconsistent) information between the ADs does't exactly set up a good precedent.

It could be incompetence. I happen to believe otherwise, these aren't stupid people.
I agree something stinks and the union idea is a logical explanation just the pieces dont fit together with the southern bloc....
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I agree something stinks and the union idea is a logical explanation just the pieces dont fit together with the southern bloc....

Could it also be a power play/ego trip type thing? Kevin Warren showing the ADs who is the boss? I don't know. What I do know is the more unscrupulous ADs in the ACC/SEC/Big 12 bloc are smelling blood in the water.

For the record, I don't blame Gene Smith really at all. We've seen his style isn't to air dirty laundry in public as much as we'd like him to from time to time.

I still don't think the "winter" spring season is going to work out either, but we'll see. I'm not getting my hopes up.
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Really a very good article.

That was an enjoyable read and summed up nicely in the end:

"We appreciate the passion of the Big Ten community and will harness that energy towards providing the best possible experience for all Big Ten student-athletes.

If you appreciate the passion of the Big Ten community, then be a part of it instead of being apart from it. Talk to the parents. Talk to the coaches. Talk to the players.

Hell, talk to the people who cover the teams. You are the spokesman of the conference, so speak. Leave the letter writing to the pen pals."
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Regardless of whether or not other conferences end up cancelling their seasons (they won't) he's already made the wrong decision. The other conferences are at least trying until it's clear that it can't be done. The BIG threw in the towel before it even started because of "uncertainty" and some schools not having proper protocols in place. Rather than give up, why not assist those schools in getting where they need to be? And if there's uncertainty why quit now when there could be positive news ahead e.g. like we've seen with the enhanced testing.

The bottom line is that the only correct decision at this point is to do what the other P5 conferences are doing. There's no upside to being the first to cancel other than a pat on the back. However, the downside is that you lose out on hundreds of millions of dollars, multiple sports across schools will be cut and the reputation of the BIG will take a massive hit. As big as a joke as this decision looks right now it will look even worse in the next couple of months when other conferences are going full steam ahead which I have no doubt will happen.
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Going after the commish misses the target. You want football? Mask Up! Keep distance. Close bars and restaurants. But the southeast Ohio pinheads chased the voices of reason out of Columbus. And look at the campuses - Alabama 500 cases in less than a week, PSU had to suspend two frats houses for organizing large parties, OSU rounding up groups and suspending more than 200. The Presidents and the commish made the right call. I hate it, but in the face of a society that refuses to sacrifice in order to defeat a communicable disease, whatcha gonna do?
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