Woody Rules!
I'm old enough to remember Curt Gowdy calling (Ohio State split end) Bruce Jankowski "Janowicz" in the 69 Rose Bowl. Of course, the entire game he could not tell where the ball was, but that was due to Kern's excellent handiwork and bootlegging.
I'd like to kick Keels every time he says "absotively". Keels, buddy, it's not funny anymore!
And finally, I miss Woody's TV show, where he would bring out two or three of his players and all they were allowed to say was "Yes, coach" "No, coach" "That's right, coach" or (Champ Henson), "I saw the goal line pass underneath me, coach!".
Musberger doesn't bother me, and I actually think Danielson likes our program.
Peace out! Go Bucks
Gowdy was the worst, bar none! he kept calling Mike Sensibaugh "Sessinbaugh". He was either in a constant state of confusion or drunkenness, hard to tell which.
Problem with Keels is that he has Jim Lampley disease - he likes the sound of his own voice WAY too much. Football is bad enough, but he makes basketball almost unlistenable.
I miss Woody's show - hell, I miss Woody! What I also remember from that time and up through Earle's time was that since most of the games weren't televised like they are now, you had to stay up on Saturday night and they would be broadcast on public TV, with Paul Warfield doing the announcing. i used to love watching those games like that.
Yes, I think we have a friendly pair in Msuberger/Danielson