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John Calipari (official thread of impending probation)

DZ83CK;2198518; said:
I do think one of the odd recruitments that gets overlooked and forgotten about is Terrence Jones, and that's one that the recent CBS poll reminded me of how strange it was. I have never seen another recruitment where a kid waits until his Senior season is over, holds a televised press conference with lots of folks present, commits to the semi-local favorite (Washington), and then talks to a coach of another team that he just turned down right afterward, and changes his mind immediately.

Where was more time spent...Worldwide WES or Depaul campus?
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OH10;2198778; said:
UK/Calipari aren't leaving any trail of anything. Book it. When the SEC cheats, they scrub their money so clean, you'll never be able to trace it.

Lately it seems the NCAA is taking a "nothing to see here" approach when it comes to the SEC and cheating
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And we get a postseason ban for tats




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Calipari, a terrific bench coach, has another excellent team. Nerlens Noel getting floor burns -- that's nothing but Coach Cal.

He may be dirty, but man, can he recruit, and coach.
If they ever go on probation, we will know why he is such a good recruiter. However until it is actually proven that he is cheating you are absolutely correct... unfortunately.
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