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John Calipari (official thread of impending probation)

Given the names in this list, I suppose Calipari's thread is the place to park this link.


The question is: Which player is perceived to have the dirtiest recruitment in the last 10 years?

- Shabazz Muhammad: 15 percent
- Anthony Davis: 13 percent
- John Wall: 7 percent
- Kyle Anderson: 7 percent
- O.J. Mayo: 7 percent
- Derrick Rose: 6 percent
- Renardo Sidney: 6 percent
- Terrence Jones: 3 percent
- Tobias Harris: 3 percent
- Chris Obekpa: 3 percent

Also received votes: DeMarcus Cousins, DeAndre Jordan, Anthony Randolph, Enes Kanter, Josh Selby, Lance Stephenson, Khem Birch, Rodney Hood, Norvel Pelle, Terrence Jennings, J'Mison Morgan, Jordan Goodman, JaKarr Sampson, Jevon Thomas

On Anthony Davis: "I've never seen a recruitment get shut down as quickly as that one got shut down. I don't know how they did it. But it was a strong play."

On John Wall: "Baylor hired John Wall's AAU coach and that still wasn't enough to get that deal done. That recruitment was on another level. And remember, Roy Williams basically stopped recruiting him. Best player in the country is from North Carolina, and North Carolina didn't really want anything to do with it. What does that tell you?"
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Yeah, the Davis family promised to sue the Sun-Times, but never did. They even set a timetable for when the lawsuit would be brought ... that deadline expired about 2 years ago. The thing that irritates me is the writer mischaracterized what happened - the Sun-Times never retracted the story. They took it down briefly to edit it to reflect that it was not UK directly but someone who wanted him to go to UK that made the $200K payment.
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I find the people who defend Calipari the funniest (IE Kentucky fans mostly)

The 2 vacated final 4 seasons are just a coincidence i'm sure.....there is not a shadier coach in the business
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A couple Syracuse targets on that list......where Syracuse ended up being #2. That's disappointing but not surprising. I stopped pretending I rooted for college teams that didn't cheat when Carmelo Anthony was convinced to spend a winter in upstate New York.
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buckeyemania11;2198241; said:
I find the people who defend Calipari the funniest (IE Kentucky fans mostly)

The 2 vacated final 4 seasons are just a coincidence i'm sure.....there is not a shadier coach in the business

I've said it up above, any coach who is continually pulling the top player out of the Chicago Public League is dirty....plain, simple and inalienable truth.
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On Anthony Davis: "I've never seen a recruitment get shut down as quickly as that one got shut down. I don't know how they did it. But it was a strong play."

That's right on, too. Start at the bottom of page 5 of Davis' thread here on BP and work your way forward. Looking back, it'a amazing Yahoo! never got a hold of that story.

The funny thing is that while THAT was going on, the NCAA had just started investigating UK for their recruitment of Josh Selby, who had already committed to Kansas. Apparently, Selby didn't take the money and let it be known...
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All the banners going up in Lexington are on loan. It will all burn down before long. Anything less than a Fab-5 level scandel when all is said and done will floor me. Kentucky basketball will be nuked within five years. Book it. You know it's coming when PayPal Cal bolts for the NBA.
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NFBuck;2198488; said:
All the banners going up in Lexington are on loan. It will all burn down before long. Anything less than a Fab-5 level scandel when all is said and done will floor me. Kentucky basketball will be nuked within five years. Book it. You know it's coming when PayPal Cal bolts for the NBA.

We all knew it the day Cal got hired there. UK fans sold their souls collectively to the devil that day, and deep down, they knew it as well... and they didn't care. And they still don't.

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BuckTwenty;2198480; said:
That's right on, too. Start at the bottom of page 5 of Davis' thread here on BP and work your way forward. Looking back, it'a amazing Yahoo! never got a hold of that story.

The funny thing is that while THAT was going on, the NCAA had just started investigating UK for their recruitment of Josh Selby, who had already committed to Kansas. Apparently, Selby didn't take the money and let it be known...

Yeah, the Davis recruitment was an odd one. The Davis family in June or July 2010 says they have a final 3 of UK, OSU and Syracuse and they had not been to any of the 3 at that point, in the same article Davis Sr. says they will visit all 3 schools as a family. Then the family and Anthony visit DePaul and UK unofficially, and a decision is made in August. It got shut down right quick, that's for sure - it's definitely odd to claim a final 3 of UK, OSU and Syracuse, then visit DePaul and UK and have your mind made up between UK, OSU and Syracuse.
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I do think one of the odd recruitments that gets overlooked and forgotten about is Terrence Jones, and that's one that the recent CBS poll reminded me of how strange it was. I have never seen another recruitment where a kid waits until his Senior season is over, holds a televised press conference with lots of folks present, commits to the semi-local favorite (Washington), and then talks to a coach of another team that he just turned down right afterward, and changes his mind immediately.
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BuckTwenty;2198494; said:
We all knew it the day Cal got hired there. UK fans sold their souls collectively to the devil that day, and deep down, they knew it as well... and they didn't care. And they still don't.


UK Basketball much like Alabama football is one of the most penalized programs in NCAA history...UK and Cal are a match made in Heaven(Hell)...UK made a decision to stop hiding the fact that they cheat and hired someone that fits them culturaly
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