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John Calipari (official thread of impending probation)

With some time to think about it, Bill Self considered the Kentucky team that beat his squad earlier this week among the best he's ever faced. "We've played two teams that would rival them from a talent standpoint -- one would be Memphis, and one would be Florida," Self said Wednesday on his Hawk Talk radio show. The Jayhawks downed eventual national champion Florida, 82-80, in overtime on Nov. 25, 2006, in Las Vegas, and toppled Memphis, 75-68, in overtime in the 2008 NCAA title game. ... "From a raw-talent standpoint, even the Carolina team we faced in the Final Four with (Ty) Lawson, (Wayne) Ellington, (Tyler) Hansbrough and Danny Green ... this Kentucky team may even be superior to that."

Read more: http://www2.kusports.com/news/2011/nov/17/self-uk-could-be-top-team/
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CentralMOBuck;2054472; said:
Did anybody else catch the Kentucky dismantling of St. John's tonight? I know the Johnnies aren't very good, but I want nothing to do with the Wildcats. Kentucky and UNC this weekend should be a good match up.

They beat them by what, 22 points I think? The same margin that we beat a #4 Duke team by. I bet Kentucky is saying I want nothing to do with the Buckeyes.
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CentralMOBuck;2054472; said:
Did anybody else catch the Kentucky dismantling of St. John's tonight? I know the Johnnies aren't very good, but I want nothing to do with the Wildcats. Kentucky and UNC this weekend should be a good match up.

Very lengthy in size, VERY talented young players. But with Ohio State's depth, and leadership (Craft, Buford, and Sully), I like our chances when/if we meet them in March/April.
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Tucky is a tall, long armed and athletic squad but they have obvious flaws. For one they don't have any girth. Anthony Davis who is a beast but is light in the pants and probably doesn't weight more than 230lbs plays the 5 for them. Sully should easily back him down and get great position every possession. If Sully plays a smart and a patient game he should get Davis in early foul trouble.

Another achilles is their depth beyond the top 6. When Davis fouls out they are a different team and there is no one on the bench to fear. Couple that with the Wildcats lack of consistent outside game and I think we should be able to pull one out.
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bucknut502;2054630; said:
Well, their fans think this year?s team can beat the Dream Team...Kentucky fans are something else.

Exactly correct. They think they could take the Miami Heat in 7 right now...

If I had to choose would much rather play UK now than later. They should be steam rolling come tourney time...but I still like the Bucks to win.
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kentuckbuck;2054635; said:
Exactly correct. They think they could take the Miami Heat in 7 right now...

If I had to choose would much rather play UK now than later. They should be steam rolling come tourney time...but I still like the Bucks to win.
Eh, I think they'll improve as time goes on...but, I think their team from 2 years ago with Wall/Cousins has a slight edge on this one. They're really young, and that tends to be a hinderance as you get deeper into March Madness.
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Surprise surprise

@PostgamePresser - Hearing rumors that a well connected member of the media could be dropping a potential bombshell about UK's recruiting of a current player

'Postgame Presser' is a YardBarker/MSN/FoxNews rumor mill with about as much credibility as SportsByBrooks, so TIFWIW, but it's out there ...

Allegedly, Pat Forde has some dirt on Anthony Davis, and it's been going around for awhile.

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wife from the ville went to UK parents live in Lexington....I deal with it every year (my wife and in laws are UofL fans) but everyone else is UK its funny...they are delusional

I am known in her family to be the guy who while driving past UK's football stadium with her uncle that said "thats cute, what high school plays there" early in our relationship...took me a while to smooth that over...very sensitive bunch
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Dryden;2055142; said:
Surprise surprise

@PostgamePresser - Hearing rumors that a well connected member of the media could be dropping a potential bombshell about UK's recruiting of a current player

'Postgame Presser' is a YardBarker/MSN/FoxNews rumor mill with about as much credibility as SportsByBrooks, so TIFWIW, but it's out there ...

Allegedly, Pat Forde has some dirt on Anthony Davis, and it's been going around for awhile.


T R U S T in our compliance staff and all these rumors will not put you in stress and loss of sleep thinking the sky is gonna fall. Sandy Bell is a real asset to our program and IMO we are very lucky to have people like her and others keeping our program clean from the get go.

We "trust the coaches" obviously they know better than to "trust Calipari", so they "trust their compliance staff" (who are probably known at UK as Moe, Larry, & Curly).

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