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John Calipari (official thread of impending probation)

GeorgiaBuck2;2037531; said:
They looked shaky from what I saw of the game. They are extremely young with 4 freshman starting. Ohio State has 4 sophomores and one senior starting. OSU I think is the better team. Tougher, more experienced with a loaded bench. Kentucky's bench I don't believe is as deep as Ohio State's, due to the fact they must replace most of their starters every year. With Ross coming back in December, OSU could be the best team in the nation, if they aren't already...

I didn't catch the 1st half, but they looked rather impressive in the 2nd half.
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I stopped watching at halftime when the score was tied 28-28.

From what I saw they looked tentative inside and were dominated in the post. They are an athletic bunch, but lack a true big man that can score, as well as defend inside. Kansas has a 7 foot whitey that was blocking everything in sight. Teauge, their next "great" point guard, had around 7 turnovers in the first half alone. Davis is an athletic freak, but it looks as if he couldn't hit the bright side of a barn. Their shooting as a hole I don't think is too great, but they have a couple of guys that can hit jumpers. Terence Jones is definatly the leader of the team and makes the most impact. Their lack of shooting and post game is made up by their athletic ability and natural talent. You can tell they are a slashing kind of team, relying on dunks and layups, as well as put backs.

All in all I would say they are a young, athletic, talented, and soft team, at least from what I saw in the first half...
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bucknut502;2033828; said:
Your definition of ?beast" is obviously different than mine....


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I stopped watching at halftime when the score was tied 28-28.

From what I saw they looked tentative inside and were dominated in the post. They are an athletic bunch, but lack a true big man that can score, as well as defend inside. Kansas has a 7 foot whitey that was blocking everything in sight. Teauge, their next "great" point guard, had around 7 turnovers in the first half alone. Davis is an athletic freak, but it looks as if he couldn't hit the bright side of a barn. Their shooting as a hole I don't think is too great, but they have a couple of guys that can hit jumpers. Terence Jones is definatly the leader of the team and makes the most impact. Their lack of shooting and post game is made up by their athletic ability and natural talent. You can tell they are a slashing kind of team, relying on dunks and layups, as well as put backs.

All in all I would say they are a young, athletic, talented, and soft team, at least from what I saw in the first half...
Then your comment makes sense. They were a completely different team in the second half and were absolutely dominant. I agree that the OSU bench is better but the length and talent on the UK team will be hard to overcome.
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korchiki;2037617; said:
Then your comment makes sense. They were a completely different team in the second half and were absolutely dominant. I agree that the OSU bench is better but the length and talent on the UK team will be hard to overcome.

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Gall: One guy that has no problem landing elite level backcourt players is Kentucky?s John Calipari. How does he land four or five of the best players in the nation every single season?

Kellogg: First of all, he is a terrific coach. I don?t care what folks have to say about him, because there are some naysayers out there. He has got a personality that is very much up in front of you, but he is real and he is excellent at what he does.
Calipari gets a lot of flak here, but I'm with Special K - Cal is a better coach than he gets credit for.
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NFBuck;2038177; said:
I don't think maNy would dispute that, his W-L record speaks for itself. Most, myself included, take issue with the trail of allegations/sanctions he's left in his wake each time he's "moved on".

The trouble is, Kentucky is one of the few pinnacle jobs from which one does not "move on." So, good luck with all that, then . . . .
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