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Joe BoLLLLden (LB Coach Nevada)

The only time I recall his name being mentioned was when McDonough called him out for missing a tackle. These new recruits are just like their windbag clown coach--not even half as good at doing their job as they are talking.
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What a douche.


Bolden "staking out" the Wolverines' turf. Too bad his team lost 35-11, with the Spartans scoring their final TD in the closing seconds of the game, a time generally reserved for the celebratory kneel down. When asked about running up the score after the game, MSU head coach Mark Dantonio said: "It just felt like we needed to put a stake in them at that point.... Throwing the stake down in our backyard out here and coming out there like they're all that. That got shoved up...."

Thanks for the entertainment, Joe. Wear your Block M proudly when you waddle on down the streets of Cincinnati with that stake shoved up your ass.
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Typical, paper-tiger, Hoke-error "m*ch*g*n man." Next coach has his work cut out for him, because he's assuming a roster of [Mark May].

Their roster is halfway decent. The problem is a lack of discipline on the field and poor fundamentals. They would be a good team if the offense didn't commit such boneheaded turnovers. They'd be even better if their receivers ran crisper routes and did not give up on and take off plays.
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Their roster is halfway decent. The problem is a lack of discipline on the field and poor fundamentals. They would be a good team if the offense didn't commit such boneheaded turnovers. They'd be even better if their receivers ran crisper routes and did not give up on and take off plays.
Which = shit, in my eyes. Those kids have coasted on the legacy of ghosts since the day they committed. Not gonna be easy to break that sense of entitlement.
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What a douche.


Bolden "staking out" the Wolverines' turf. Too bad his team lost 35-11, with the Spartans scoring their final TD in the closing seconds of the game, a time generally reserved for the celebratory kneel down. When asked about running up the score after the game, MSU head coach Mark Dantonio said: "It just felt like we needed to put a stake in them at that point.... Throwing the stake down in our backyard out here and coming out there like they're all that. That got shoved up...."

Thanks for the entertainment, Joe. Wear your Block M proudly when you waddle on down the streets of Cincinnati with that stake shoved up your ass.

Maybe that explains what #39 is doing: Demonstrating how you walk after Dantonio is finished returning your stake.
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What a douche.


Bolden "staking out" the Wolverines' turf. Too bad his team lost 35-11, with the Spartans scoring their final TD in the closing seconds of the game, a time generally reserved for the celebratory kneel down. When asked about running up the score after the game, MSU head coach Mark Dantonio said: "It just felt like we needed to put a stake in them at that point.... Throwing the stake down in our backyard out here and coming out there like they're all that. That got shoved up...."

Thanks for the entertainment, Joe. Wear your Block M proudly when you waddle on down the streets of Cincinnati with that stake shoved up your ass.
Again, to point out the absurdity...this is a 3-5 team. That has been DOMINATED in that rivalry for a half-decade. Grow up, you morons.
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Which = [Mark May], in my eyes. Those kids have coasted on the legacy of ghosts since the day they committed. Not gonna be easy to break that sense of entitlement.

They're still young kids, you put a no bullshit leader in front of them and they will shape up quickly... or transfer. The real entitlement problem is in the leaders of the program, the players just mirror that attitude.
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