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Joe BoLLLLden (LB Coach Nevada)

it's not even the distraction. it's the fact that they're so stupid...they think doing pre-planned stunts like these is what makes you feared, or macho, or something. I have no idea what they think they look like. they certainly can't think it makes them look as ridiculous as it actually does, or they'd stop doing it.......right?

mental midgets.

I think they do it because they can get away with it. They're a bunch of kids in a program with zero discipline.

You can bet if Vonn Bell did that, he'd be benched so everyone knows that is NOT appropriate behavior.

I doubt Hoke would have even made a statement if it weren't for the collective media outrage.
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I think they do it because they can get away with it. They're a bunch of kids in a program with zero discipline.

You can bet if Vonn Bell did that, he'd be benched so everyone knows that is NOT appropriate behavior.

I doubt Hoke would have even made a statement if it weren't for the collective media outrage.
Oh I have no doubt it's not only allowed by the coaching staff....but they cleared it or even came up with it.
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If we loose bolden to Michigan you can add that to the disasters of the off season!

Went back to read the older posts, apparently the for whatever reason Ohio State coaches did not offer a scholarship to this kid.

Hindsight is always 20/20. But I do think "zufw" got it wrong here!!!
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They're still young kids, you put a no bull[Mark May] leader in front of them and they will shape up quickly... or transfer. The real entitlement problem is in the leaders of the program, the players just mirror that attitude.

Exact point Dantonio was trying to convey in the post game presser. These scum fuckers deserve everything coming to them and I won't be surprised when they pull more orchestrated shit like they did last year with Dontre. Fuck m*ch*g*n!
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Exact point Dantonio was trying to convey in the post game presser. These scum fuckers deserve everything coming to them and I won't be surprised when they pull more orchestrated [Mark May] like they did last year with Dontre. Fuck m*ch*g*n!

So, you're saying that they light Sugar Shane on fire and plant him midfield at Ohio Stadium. I am so fucking in.
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Beating Ohio State is personal, too

"I hate to say it," Bolden said, "but there was stuff that went on with Notre Dame and 'Ohio' as well...with both those schools. I don't wanna say it upset me, but I have personal reasons to beat Notre Dame and Ohio."

Bolden's dislike of the Buckeyes stems from several poor experiences during the recruiting process.

"Ohio State didn't recruit me at the beginning. They didn't recruit me as much towards the end either. I wouldn't change my mind about Michigan even if they had. I am an Ohio kid who wanted to be a Michigan man. Now I want to beat Michigan State, Ohio State and Notre Dame every year."

Beating Ohio State was a major selling point for Bolden and there was an image put in his head by defensive coordinator Greg Mattison that has him excited about starting his career at Michigan.

"Coach Mattison wants to see me at the 'Shoe with a power play coming right at me, and me stuffing it," Bolden said proudly.

Even though he has to wait over a year before taking the field at the Big House, Bolden is just enjoying the fruits of being a Wolverine now, and the personal reasons he has to beat the Wolverines' rivals, is driving him to be the best player he can be.

"Going back home and wearing the Block M and walking down the street, whether it be Cincinnati or Columbus, it just gives you a special feeling. It fills you with pride. I just love Michigan and we are going to beat the tar out of 'Ohio' and Notre Dame."
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"Going back home and wearing the Block M and walking down the street, whether it be Cincinnati or Columbus, it just gives you a special feeling. It fills you with pride. I just love Michigan and we are going to beat the tar out of 'Ohio' and Notre Dame."

What an obnoxious little fucker.
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