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Joe BoLLLLden (LB Coach Nevada)

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Again, to point out the absurdity...this is a 3-5 team. That has been DOMINATED in that rivalry for a half-decade. Grow up, you morons.
I mean, where does Michigan Man come up with these ideas? I can almost see it now....

[A bunch of douchey Michigan football players are sitting around a cafe sipping orange mocha frappuccinos after their kinesiology class]

Bolden: "Hey, fellas, I've got a swell idea! When we play this weekend, let's plant a stake on the field."

Morris: "I don't get it, Joe. Why would we want to plant a stake on the field?"

Bolden: "Here's why, Sugar Shane. We're going to stake out our turf! Because we own Sparty! And we own Spartan Stadium!"

Morris: "Wow, Joe! That's a super neat idea! We'll show those Sparties who's who!"

Gardner: "That's right, Joe! We are the winningest team in the history of college football! Sparty is out Little Brother!"

Kalis: "Yeah, Joe! A stake through Sparty's heart. There will be blood on the field! Blood, I tell you."

Morris: "And after we're done beating up on Moo Moo U, we can all get on our scooters and head over to the mall...."

Glasgow: "And I can wear my kitty-cat sweater...."

Kalis: "And I can go voguing in front of Abercrombie & Fitch!"

Bolden: "So are we all in, fellas?"

All together: "All in, Joe!"

[Everyone holds hands and begins to sing Hail to the Victors as the lights fade]
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I mean, where does Michigan Man come up with these ideas? I can almost see it now....

[A bunch of douchey Michigan football players are sitting around a cafe sipping orange mocha frappuccinos after their kinesiology class]

Bolden: "Hey, fellas, I've got a swell idea! When we play this weekend, let's plant a stake on the field."

Morris: "I don't get it, Joe. Why would we want to plant a stake on the field?"

Bolden: "Here's why, Sugar Shane. We're going to stake out our turf! Because we own Sparty! And we own Spartan Stadium!"

Morris: "Wow, Joe! That's a super neat idea! We'll show those Sparties who's who!"

Gardner: "That's right, Joe! We are the winningest team in the history of college football! Sparty is out Little Brother!"

Kalis: "Yeah, Joe! A stake through Sparty's heart. There will be blood on the field! Blood, I tell you."

Morris: "And after we're done beating up on Moo Moo U, we can all get on our scooters and head over to the mall...."

Glasgow: "And I can wear my kitty-cat sweater...."

Kalis: "And I can go voguing in front of Abercrombie & Fitch!"

Bolden: "So are we all in, fellas?"

All together: "All in, Joe!"

[Everyone holds hands and begins to sing Hail to the Victors as the lights fade]
And again, THIS...


...is the mastermind behind that stunt. Dead behind the eyes stupid.
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These jokers can't be dumb enough to try anything like this at the shoe. Urban would hang 70 on them then cock slap hoke post game.
they did it every year under RR. I forget if they've done anything as manufactured as that under Hoke...but those fights under RR were the first thing I thought of after I saw the stupid spike thing. such a manufactured, phoney stunt. how are you supposed to be respected when you're coming up with fake testosterone like that?
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they did it every year under RR. I forget if they've done anything as manufactured as that under Hoke...but those fights under RR were the first thing I thought of after I saw the stupid spike thing. such a manufactured, phoney stunt. how are you supposed to be respected when you're coming up with fake testosterone like that?

They can put on a pregame ballet for all I care. Whatever distracts them from actual game preparation.
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They can put on a pregame ballet for all I care. Whatever distracts them from actual game preparation.
it's not even the distraction. it's the fact that they're so stupid...they think doing pre-planned stunts like these is what makes you feared, or macho, or something. I have no idea what they think they look like. they certainly can't think it makes them look as ridiculous as it actually does, or they'd stop doing it.......right?

mental midgets.
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it's not even the distraction. it's the fact that they're so stupid...they think doing pre-planned stunts like these is what makes you feared, or macho, or something. I have no idea what they think they look like. they certainly can't think it makes them look as ridiculous as it actually does, or they'd stop doing it.......right?
Like the teams that do the "Haka" dance prior to a game. Hawaii does it and their team flat out blows... :lol:
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