You're probably right, but I'm not about to go quietly into that good night. I went to the OSU Athletic Department website, looked up Gene Smith's e-mail and fired this off:
Dear Mr. Smith,
Please explain to me how white helmets and Oregon ugly jerseys and pants are "a tribute" to the 1954 National Champs. The design idea appears to be something along the lines of Flash Gordon Goes Buckeye. Let's be honest here, the only paying of tribute that this uniform pays is a tribute to Phil Knight and the corporate greed of Nike Inc.
Why, when brand identification is something most institutions strive for, is Ohio State forsaking an iconic uniform that has instant public identity?
This is clearly a case of the tail wagging the dog. The traditions of Ohio State football are being turned over to the tailor.
Forrest G. Brandt
Class of 71 LM