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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

jwinslow;1597434; said:
I'm really hoping they didn't have all of the shoe options in camp, otherwise this is inexcusable.

This shoe is supposed to make players run faster, jump faster and fly, don't you know that it also heals ankle injuries by itself?

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jwinslow;1596894; said:
Btw Max, I'm pretty sure you've secured the number one spot as the don't give a shit about the jersey specialist.

What pisses me off is not the uniform, as I really couldn't care less what it looks like. It's the ridiculous response of fans to something so inconsequential that frosts my cupcakes. Just wanted to be clear on that.
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SCBuck13;1597230; said:

buckeyefool;1597159; said:
Nice overreaction...you might as well have compared niketo the nazis

No, I compared Nike to Bernie "Making Money Justifies Everything" Madoff and the uniforms to Flash Gordon. I didn't say it, but I think Phil Knight ranks right up there with Ming the Merciless.


I have no problem with the fact that these uniforms might perform better, but there is nothing about the new uniforms that forces the changes away from an iconic look that the football program took great pains to create.
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Oh well, I am just hoping that this uniform deal doesn't give the scummers any material to fire themselves up, since we are donning "special" duds in THEIR stadium. And if, as I suspect, we see pro combat as our standard uniform next year, Nike sure as hell better do a more traditional look for our buckeyes. We don't deserve to look like teams who play on friday nights.
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3074326;1597429; said:
I can't see this ending well. I have a bad feeling about it.

I can't imagine that the coaches would put the players at risk.. but if Nike tries to force this, shame on them.

Nike didn't have a problem when Ginn busted out black/red cleats for the 2006 Game, or Pryor wearing Mike Vick's line of shoes, or Russell wearing black/red cleats.

Nike won't (and can't) force the linemen to wear the new cleats...as for the whole team, there's no way the fashion-forward set would want to go back to the old set. Watch for a mish-mash of styles on 1/1/10.
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Nike didn't have a problem when Ginn busted out black/red cleats for the 2006 Game, or Pryor wearing Mike Vick's line of shoes, or Russell wearing black/red cleats.
Players have always worn a variety of shoes, and were not intended to wear the same style as a huge marketing campaign.
Nike won't (and can't) force the linemen to wear the new cleats...
They already forced them to wear them this game, when I'm positive Tressel wanted no part in that timing. OSU isn't calling the shots here. Hopefully JT will ignore Nike's orders if they are a problem, but I don't see that going over well either. *postgame* Why didn't you wear the fancy new shoes Tress? ... Well, our players were rolling their ankles in them. We weren't willing to suffer more injuries just to look pretty.

Nike would LOVE that kind of negative publicity.
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FCollinsBuckeye;1597173; said:
This thread is funny.

Half the posts are: "They're killing tradition for corporate greed! Nike is making us the Oregon of the midwest! They're disrespecting The Game etc, etc."

The other half are "Where can I get one of these? Are they sold out at ___(insert store name here)___?"


In other news FCollins was shocked to learn that half of all Buckeye fans have below average intelligence... :wink:

BTW am I the only one who finds it amusing that the company which is ostensibly a shoe manufacturer fucked up the shoes?

"Well yeah but the jerseys are 10% lighter!"
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i dont get why people are worrying about what we look like on the field.
in my opinion i could care less if we wore telletubby costumes out there as long as we kick scUM's asses to the curb at their own place.
so everyone stop worrying about the jerseys we are wearing
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