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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)


I didn't like the jersey until I saw this pic. I love the gray, for once our throwbacks look like Ohio State. I know most of you hate the helmet, but at least it's gray. It's the only helmet design that says "The Ohio State University" besides the current one.

I'm pretty happy with it, it could have been much worse.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1990481; said:
Technically, they are based on an older uniform from the 1961 National Title team.

This is all Nike and Ohio State spin in my opinion.

The helmet I can give them, except that the numbers on the helmets don't look the same. The rest of it, looks little like the 1961 uniforms.


1961 home jerseys did not have gray on the shoulders. The 1961 pants had two small scarlet stripes on the pants, not one wide scarlet stripe--let alone the fact that they ran from the belt line to the bottom of the pants and didn't wrap behind the knee.

If they truly based it on 1961, they did a very poor job.

That said, given some of the other BS that Nike has put out lately, it is not as bad as others.

I still don't know why if this technolgy is so great--after 3 years--why don't they make the normal uniform design with it and use it every game? This is TIC, of course.
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Carboard Heroes is taking pre-orders on them now. I ordered two yesterday. They don't have price or what numbers are available yet. They will ship they Tuesday before the game. Next Day air for me!!

werlinrm;1990781; said:
So anything on when we can buy these? I HAVE to waste this money...
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I wear a '63 throwback every Saturday in the fall.. it's all red, white numbers, white stripe on the sleeve..

My guess is, it was too similiar to these:

Change the numeral script and the turn the gray stripe to white, and wa-la - 1961 jerseys.
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GeorgiaBuck2;1990481; said:
Technically, they are based on an older uniform from the 1961 National Title team. You could say they are somewhat like a throwback.

Also, I like the helmet. It looks almost exactly like the 1961 version, modernized of course.

They are "somewhat like a throwback" - not quite. If someone handed me a throwback NBA jersey, I would expect it to be a color-for-color, stitch-by-stich replica that mirrors the jersey it was to be representing. That is a throwback.

The Ozone.net said it best when their uniform description read that the uniform was "inspired" by the 1961 team, not a replica or throwback.
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So... Let me get this straight. Nike got lazy and decided "FUCK IT!" were going to give Georgia an Ohio State throwback helmet, and IN THE SAME SEASON, have Ohio State wear virtually the same helmet (sub out the 'G' with numerals). :shake: That's the best you got Nike?
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