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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

Muck;1999966; said:
For the love of god don't let Nike see these...


That would be awesome.

But also a 15 yard penalty.
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Muck;1997297; said:
Sad (although the reaction isn't quite as ridiculous as the article makes it sound)

Oh yes it is, turn the volume off and it is even better.

MililaniBuckeye;1997333; said:
They did go pretty [censored]ing ape-[Mark May]...

By the way, those jerseys are almost exactly identical to Hawaii's home black jerseys...

The reaction doesn't match the surprise at all. I'd be interested in comparing it with their bowl selection reaction.
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jmorbitz;1997258; said:
http://deadspin.com/5843239/ohio-bobcats-get-black-jerseys-completely-lose-their-[Mark May]

Ohio Bobcats Get Black Jerseys, Completely Lose Their [Mark May]
Skip ahead to the 1:10 mark or so and watch as Ohio football players learn via video that they'll be wearing black jerseys this season.


I'm not sure... There are a few options here. It's cool to see some people totally amped about getting what they've wanted. It's funny because of what they get are just jerseys, and it's even more funny that Ohio U got black jerseys and not Ohio State. Though it would also be funny to watch people lose their [Mark May] over the opposite way over black tOSU jerseys.

Reminds me of this:
[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIutgtzwhAc"]Heineken - Walk in Fridge - YouTube[/ame]
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swopes6;2014871; said:
Those are sweet.

An all red jersey with a plain white number and gray shoulders is "sweet"?

Seems lazy and insulting to me. Lazy in the design department, and insulting that they think people are stupid enough to go out and spend 50-80 $ on something so simple and infinitely worse looking than a normal jersey that you can buy any other time.

If people don't buy these stupid fucking things maybe they will stop making them. :shake:
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