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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)


Ohio Bobcats Get Black Jerseys, Completely Lose Their Shit
Skip ahead to the 1:10 mark or so and watch as Ohio football players learn via video that they'll be wearing black jerseys this season.


I'm not sure... There are a few options here. It's cool to see some people totally amped about getting what they've wanted. It's funny because of what they get are just jerseys, and it's even more funny that Ohio U got black jerseys and not Ohio State. Though it would also be funny to watch people lose their shit over the opposite way over black tOSU jerseys.
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jmorbitz;1997258; said:

Ohio Bobcats Get Black Jerseys, Completely Lose Their Shit
Skip ahead to the 1:10 mark or so and watch as Ohio football players learn via video that they'll be wearing black jerseys this season.


I'm not sure... There are a few options here. It's cool to see some people totally amped about getting what they've wanted. It's funny because of what they get are just jerseys, and it's even more funny that Ohio U got black jerseys and not Ohio State. Though it would also be funny to watch people lose their shit over the opposite way over black tOSU jerseys.

They were so amped up that they went out and hammered Marshall 44-7. Just something to think about the next time someone advocates OSU wearing black jerseys. :tongue2:
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jmorbitz;1997258; said:

Ohio Bobcats Get Black Jerseys, Completely Lose Their Shit
Skip ahead to the 1:10 mark or so and watch as Ohio football players learn via video that they'll be wearing black jerseys this season.


I'm not sure... There are a few options here. It's cool to see some people totally amped about getting what they've wanted. It's funny because of what they get are just jerseys, and it's even more funny that Ohio U got black jerseys and not Ohio State. Though it would also be funny to watch people lose their shit over the opposite way over black tOSU jerseys.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mbuXAg6tu8"]Running of the Brides - YouTube[/ame]

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CentralMOBuck;1992835; said:
Amen. These are throwbacks.




Loved those unis - all of them - even the fucking Phillies.
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jmorbitz;1997258; said:

Ohio Bobcats Get Black Jerseys, Completely Lose Their Shit
Skip ahead to the 1:10 mark or so and watch as Ohio football players learn via video that they'll be wearing black jerseys this season.


I'm not sure... There are a few options here. It's cool to see some people totally amped about getting what they've wanted. It's funny because of what they get are just jerseys, and it's even more funny that Ohio U got black jerseys and not Ohio State. Though it would also be funny to watch people lose their shit over the opposite way over black tOSU jerseys.

I guess I am officially old. Those jerseys look like Hawaii knock offs and last I checked Ohio's colors are green and white. I have no interest in Ohio State wearing black jerseys.

But at the rate it is going let's just put black jerseys on every team. That would be the best way to kill this trend and get people back to wearing their actual colors...except Oregon, of course. They will wear what Phil Knight tells them to wear.
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Jake;1997377; said:
I guess I am officially old. Those jerseys look like Hawaii knock offs and last I checked Ohio's colors are green and white. I have no interest in Ohio State wearing black jerseys.

But at the rate it is going let's just put black jerseys on every team. That would be the best way to kill this trend and get people back to wearing their actual colors...except Oregon, of course. They will wear what Phil Knight tells them to wear.

Pfft, we need scarlet pants, scarlet helmets, scarlet long sleeves, scarlet socks/shoes, and then scarlet turf.

Camouflage: Boise style...
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jmorbitz;1997258; said:

Ohio Bobcats Get Black Jerseys, Completely Lose Their Shit
Skip ahead to the 1:10 mark or so and watch as Ohio football players learn via video that they'll be wearing black jerseys this season.


I'm not sure... There are a few options here. It's cool to see some people totally amped about getting what they've wanted. It's funny because of what they get are just jerseys, and it's even more funny that Ohio U got black jerseys and not Ohio State. Though it would also be funny to watch people lose their shit over the opposite way over black tOSU jerseys.

WOW, that was gay.
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MililaniBuckeye;1997333; said:
They did go pretty fucking ape-shit...

Oh don't get me wrong it was bad...just not quite the muslim funeral weeping, screaming & tearing of the hair that I was expecting from the article.

I know it's apples to oranges but I can't help but mentally compare that image to when we were issued desert cammies before leaving for Saudi... a few "cool"s but mostly shrugs & whatevers.
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