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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

Woody1968;1989986; said:
Just wait until next year, when we honor the 1922 team and have brown helmets painted to look like leather.

Just wait until 2050, when we honor the 2010 team

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Hate to admit it, but I like this. It's not an exact dupilcate of the 1961 uniform, but rather a variation of it. The helmet is very close, the jersey is similar enough (I do like the gray on it), and the pants are tolerable. Way better than the 2009 ones.


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Got this email from Nike this morning:

This year marks the 50th anniversary of The Ohio State University?s undefeated 1961 championship season -- a distinctive milestone that provides a source of inspiration for a program steeped in tradition and rooted in pride. The 2011 Nike Pro Combat system of dress design for the Buckeyes harkens back to that team, whose offensive power lived in its backfield, led by the 6?0, 227 pound All-American fullback, Bob Ferguson. The Heisman runner-up was a power runner and contributed immensely to the team?s noteworthy speed, aggression and smarts. This uniform acknowledges the dominance of the 1961 team and will deliver an undeniable motivation for the current Buckeyes when they face off against Wisconsin on October 29.

Distinctive white block lettering on Ohio State?s bold scarlet jersey is accompanied by gray sleeve and collar accents that provide a retro look high in contrast. An inscription of the year '1961' on the inner neckline, socks and sleeves act as a silent reminder of the indisputable determination of that year?s lineup. A steel gray baselayer and matching arm sleeves feature a print reminiscent of a buckeye tree. These two pieces are patterned after Buckeye Grove ? home to a collection of buckeye trees planted in honor of each first team All-American player, like Ferguson, whose presence always commanded respect. Dark gray pants complement the baselayer design, emblazoned with a prominent block ?O? on the hip alongside a scarlet streak on the pant leg.

While also honoring past Buckeye triumphs, the new Nike Pro Combat system of dress pairs unmatched technology and distinguished design. The integrated uniform system provides enhanced durability and innovation to withstand the hard hits of today?s game. With Nike Pro Combat Deflex padding incorporated into the hip and knee areas and Flywire technology in the collar, the OSU uniform?s stay-put impact protection will keep players? focus squarely on the next play.

"Nike takes pride in giving athletes an advantage by providing them with cutting edge innovation. The Nike Pro Combat system of dress uniform delivers unparalleled on-field performance benefits while inspiring the team through each uniform's unique design," said Todd Van Horne, Nike's Creative Director for Football. "It is a privilege to collaborate with the coaches and student-athletes to develop a look that?s truly distinctive to each university and its teams."

"The Ohio State football program is pleased to wear the Nike Pro Combat Uniform System of Dress for the 2011 football season," Ohio State coach Luke Fickell said. "The athletes have enjoyed playing in the highly advanced uniforms the past two years, and they look forward to seeing the new designs for 2011 and wearing them for a game."

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JUwSp7s76Mo"]Ohio State: Nike Pro Combat System of Dress - YouTube[/ame]
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ScarletnGray 33;1989990; said:
The jerseys look like tee shirts, and the numbers are way too big.

Those two things are what make these jerseys even somewhat relevant as supposed throwbacks.

I'd rather they not mess around with alternate jerseys at all, but if we must have them, I'd say these are the best they've come up with for Ohio State yet.
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