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Jersey / Uniform Discussion (OSU)

Looking at something and schools now have a 13-2 record while wearing Nike Pro Combat uniforms when facing a school with a rival apparel contract (Adidas/Under Armour).

2011 (3-0)
Michigan State - Win (v. TSUN - Adidas)
LSU - Win (v. Auburn - Under Armour)
Ohio State - Win (v. Wisconsin - Adidas)
Stanford - ??? (v. Notre Dame - Adidas)

2010 (2-0)
Alabama - Win (v. Mississippi State - Adidas)
Ohio State - Win (v. TSUN - Adidas)

2009 (8-2)
Clemson - Loss (at South Carolina - Under Armour)
Florida State - Win (v. Maryland - Under Armour)
LSU - Win (v. Arkansas - Adidas)
Miami - Win (at South Florida - Under Armour)
Missouri - Win (v. Kansas - Adidas)
Ohio State - Win (at TSUN - Adidas)
Oklahoma - Loss (at Texas Tech - Under Armour)
Texas - Win (at Texas A&M - Adidas)
TCU - Win (v. Utah - Under Armour)
Virginia Tech - Win (at Maryland - Under Armour)
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Buckeye513;2014392; said:
This is the problem. Don't support the machine.

Looking at something and schools now have a 13-2 record while wearing Nike Pro Combat uniforms when facing a school with a rival apparel contract (Adidas/Under Armour).

2011 (3-0)
Michigan State - Win (v. TSUN - Adidas)
LSU - Win (v. Auburn - Under Armour)
Ohio State - Win (v. Wisconsin - Adidas)
Stanford - ??? (v. Notre Dame - Adidas)

2010 (2-0)
Alabama - Win (v. Mississippi State - Adidas)
Ohio State - Win (v. TSUN - Adidas)

2009 (8-2)
Clemson - Loss (at South Carolina - Under Armour)
Florida State - Win (v. Maryland - Under Armour)
LSU - Win (v. Arkansas - Adidas)
Miami - Win (at South Florida - Under Armour)
Missouri - Win (v. Kansas - Adidas)
Ohio State - Win (at TSUN - Adidas)
Oklahoma - Loss (at Texas Tech - Under Armour)
Texas - Win (at Texas A&M - Adidas)
TCU - Win (v. Utah - Under Armour)
Virginia Tech - Win (at Maryland - Under Armour)

"And the BIG winner is....drum roll....Nike!"
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Re-watched the second half twice yesterday and checked the TD bomb and Braxton long TD run clips on Youtube...the more I see those unis the more I like them. If they made the numerals the same shade of gray with thin white trim, instead of all white, (paging jwins) I wouldn't mind seeing them as out current uniform. Would like to see how Buckeye leaves would look on those helmets...
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MililaniBuckeye;2024568; said:
Re-watched the second half twice yesterday and checked the TD bomb and Braxton long TD run clips on Youtube...the more I see those unis the more I like them. If they made the numerals the same shade of gray with thin white trim, instead of all white, (paging jwins) I wouldn't mind seeing them as out current uniform. Would like to see how Buckeye leaves would look on those helmets...

Blackish green
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MililaniBuckeye;2024568; said:
Re-watched the second half twice yesterday and checked the TD bomb and Braxton long TD run clips on Youtube...the more I see those unis the more I like them. If they made the numerals the same shade of gray with thin white trim, instead of all white, (paging jwins) I wouldn't mind seeing them as out current uniform. Would like to see how Buckeye leaves would look on those helmets...
Depends on if they are black or green.
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Wife and I were very pleasantly surprised that the combats looked decent! I would have preferred a solid silver helmet, though. Or even a smaller scarlet stripe. Still, so much better than the ghastly red helmets and combats from last year! Which looked like a New Jersey Generals/USFL outfit.
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ESPN -Gene Wojciechowski

There are some things you simply can't make better.

The Sistine Chapel. Seats on the 50-yard line. The ending of "Casablanca."

And Ohio State's unis.

So what was with the 2060-futuristic uni look the Buckeyes wore Saturday against Wisconsin? Woody Hayes would have slapped the designer.

I get it: Programs want their uniforms to pop. They want recruits and players to consider their programs cutting-edge. They want to sell products.

But you don't mess with one of the 10 best unis in all of college football. Ever.

Oregon, sure. Knock yourself out. Ohio State? Please don't do that again.

What's next for the Buckeyes? No more dotting the i?
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Last year's unis were certainly worthy of that article, but this year's were pretty slick in my IMO. 2009's were a little better than last year, but still could have deserved that article knowing now that it continued the next two years.
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BuckeyeTillIDie;2025396; said:
Just keep the pants color from the alternates with the current jerseys.

I dod appreciate that they were actually gray, but lose the wrap around stripe at the knees. Current stripes, but with that gray. Sweet.
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