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Jadeveon Clowney (DE Carolina Panthers)

OSU_Buckguy;1836350; said:
farrell didn't hold back on jarrod james, which he shouldn't have anyway. if anyone claims that he's "not far behind (clowney)," the player deserves to be derided.

It was bad...James was very frustrated during the game and was lucky to only be flagged 5 times. Clowney's official stats were not what we had in the bleachers...I would have credited him with 5 sacks, 2 TFL, and at least 4 hurries.
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OSU still chasing a star in Clowney
Friday, December 24, 2010
By Tim May
The Columbus Dispatch

If you received a new laptop computer or, say, an iPad from Santa Claus this morning and you're a football fan, there's an entertaining way to test its video-playing capabilities.

Do an internet search on "Jadeveon Clowney Senior Highlights," then sit back and enjoy almost 12 minutes of nonstop defensive and offensive playmaking. If the action gets a little blurry at times, don't tinker with the resolution. That's just the defensive end/fullback - the No.1 overall prospect in the country - doing his thing.

"He's just off the charts when you watch him on tape," said recruiting analyst Bill Kurelic of Bucknuts.

Ohio State fans no doubt are curious about whether the Buckeyes will remain in the Clowney sweepstakes. That they are in it in the first place is a tribute to coach Jim Tressel and his staff, Kurelic said, considering that Clowney attends high school in Rock Hill, S.C.

"Realistically, I think it's a long shot for Ohio State, but at least they do have a shot," Kurelic said. "He has been scheduled to make his official visit to Ohio State on the weekend of Jan.28 but now he might be wavering on that.

"If the OSU coaches can convince him to keep to that schedule, then who knows, because if you can get a kid to make an official visit you are definitely in the game. And if it's his last official visit (before signing day on Feb.2), you've got at least the advantage of making the last great impression."

Bobby Carroll, Clowney's coach at South Pointe High School, said this week that he expects Clowney to make the visit to OSU.


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December 28, 2010
There's a potential new player for Clowney

By Phil Kornblut
New Florida coach Will Muschamp is trying to make the Gators a factor with South Pointe DE Jadeveon Clowney. Muschamp recently called Stallions coach Bobby Carroll and planned to make his one phone call of the dead period to Clowney. "He couldn't believe Florida wasn't more involved with Clowney," Carroll said. It may be too little, too late for Muschamp and the Gators, though Clowney does have one open weekend for a visit. Clowney had planned to go Florida State next week after playing in the Under Armour All American Game, but he and his mother will go to New York instead for an ESPN photo shoot. He will visit Alabama January 14th and Clemson on the 21st. He's undecided about the visit on the 28th. LSU, Florida State and Auburn are the three he's been considering, but Florida could jump into the mix. Clowney is no longer considering Ohio State. He made an official visit to USC in November. As far as a leader at this point, Carroll said Clowney hasn't told him of one, but from his own observations he has a good idea about one. "I'd say it's South Carolina," Carroll said. "They've had a great year, they need defensive ends, he's the best one in the country, and it's only 60 miles down the road. I thought (Stephon) Gilmore was going to Alabama and he ended up at South Carolina, so I'm just going by what I experienced there." Clowney does not plan to announce a decision until Signing Day.
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BN $ - Clowney: Behind The Scenes


By BK...has visited South Carolina and has trips planned to FSU, Alabama, Clemson and OSU but that could change because of an ESPN photo shoot...it remains to be seen if he will make it to Columbus although there is at least one person in his group that wants him to visit OSU.
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I was starting to tire of the ESPN hype machine labeling Clowney the best recruit in 10 years (potentially) - but after watching two UA practices and the game last night...i'm convinced he MIGHT be the top recruit in the last 10 years. This kid is a freak of nature athletically and he's so fast off the ball it's just unfair to an OL. Now, I think to play at top college level he's going to have to put on some weight and be able to keep that athleticism so he can also play the run and not get pancaked whenever someone DOES get a good block on him but the same can be said for a lot of HS Dlineman.
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Magua;1851119; said:
I was starting to tire of the ESPN hype machine labeling Clowney the best recruit in 10 years (potentially) - but after watching two UA practices and the game last night...i'm convinced he MIGHT be the top recruit in the last 10 years. This kid is a freak of nature athletically and he's so fast off the ball it's just unfair to an OL. Now, I think to play at top college level he's going to have to put on some weight and be able to keep that athleticism so he can also play the run and not get pancaked whenever someone DOES get a good block on him but the same can be said for a lot of HS Dlineman.

Kid IS pretty fierce. That's SOME MOTOR he's got attached to that freakish ability. Fun to watch.
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January 16, 2011
Jadeveon Clowney visits Alabama

By Phil Kornblut
DE Jadevon Clowney of South Pointe made his official visit to Alabama over the weekend. His mother and coach also were on the visit though his coach traveled separately and did not participate any of the meetings. "It went well," Clowney said. "He did have a great time," said his coach Bobby Carroll. "He liked it and his mother liked it." Asked if he had a favorite right now, Clowney said, "I don't really have one." Carroll said he asked Clowney after the trip if there were a difference in his feelings between USC, Alabama and Florida State. "He said there was no difference," Carroll said. Clowney said he is planning to visit Florida State this coming weekend. He also said over the weekend he will visit Clemson January 28th. Ohio State has also been trying to get that last visit. Coaches from all the contending schools are expected to meet with Clowney this week. And Clowney apparently is now thinking about not announcing on National Signing Day. His birthday is February 14th, and he is considering waiting until then to make a decision.
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January 17, 2011
Quiet day for Clowney

By Phil Kornblut
After a weekend at Alabama for his official visit, South Pointe DE Jadeveon Clowney had a relatively quiet day on Monday. There were no meetings with recruiters, but that will change as the week progresses. Coaches from all the contending schools, including USC and Clemson, will be in to meet with Clowney at his school. Exams at South Pointe begin Tuesday so the scheduling of those visits could be a little troublesome for the coaches. Ohio State coach Jim Tressell would like to come in for an in home visit but won't do so unless Clowney agrees to an official visit. Right now Clowney is scheduled to visit Florida State this coming weekend and Clemson on January 28th. A source said Monday night USC still has the inside track for Clowney. His comfort level with the program and the proximity of Columbia to his home remain compelling factors in Clowney's mind according to the source.
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