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Jadeveon Clowney (DE Carolina Panthers)


Jadeveon Clowney is ready for his shot

The nation's No. 1 recruit doesn't know his destination, but appreciates his journey

This article appears in the February 7, 2011 issue of ESPN The Magazine.
Jadeveon Clowney, the No. 1 recruit from the class of 2011, has yet to decide where he'll rack up sacks the next few seasons. The 6-foot-6, 250-pound defensive end from South Pointe High School in Rock Hill, S.C., has more than 50 scholarship offers and may wait until his 18th birthday, Valentine's Day, to announce his college choice. But he's already learned a lot about the recruiting process, including how to deal with Facebook groupies and when to let Nick Saban go to voice mail.


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FrancisSoyer;1865200; said:
I'll be happy if he doesn't go to: Florida, Alabama, LSU, USC (the real one), Michigan. I think I have a >=80% chance of being content next year.

Sounds like its going to be either Bama or South Carolina. I hope USC just because they are less likely of the two to win a NC. BTW I like your pic, could not stop laughing. :biggrin:
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