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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?

BUCK3YE5;1189625; said:
Anybody but Lou Holtz.

You would be happy with Dick-Rod? :biggrin:

grbuckeye616;1203817; said:
Nobody wants to see the scarlett sweater go, but we had to replace him there's Only three choices. Mark Dantonio, Glenn Mason and someone from the current staff.

Forget about the coach at UN.

Of the three only Dantonio would be a viable option. Mason is a "has been"; and I can't see them hiring anyone without actual head coaching experience which effectively eliminates anyone from the current staff.
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Dan Hawkins--current coach at Colorado. Not sure that he has any ties to Ohio, but that guy can coach and he is reputed to be a class act (though a bit odd, IIRC)
Paul Johnson--what can I say, I grew up in the Big 8 and I love the triple option.
Tim Tebow--He's done everything else... :-)

Anyone know any good FCS coaches?
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Who else has Tress sent out for 'seasoning' as a HC elsewhere? The guy at Marshall? Bo Pelini (now of Nebraska as HC)? Any other 'reaches' (as Tress was) in Ohio? Tress may not have an OSU sheepskin on his wall, but he 'served' and 'knows' OSU football lore. Mayhaps there is someone else out there who fits the bill?

I don't think that AD Smith picks a 'non-Ohio' person (like Meatchicken did), regardless of the rep. Urban Meyer? Does one think he can be wooed from the sunshine of Florida? I don't think Dantonio is charasmatic enough to eclipse Tress's recruiting spiel, nor be able to 'walk the walk' as Tress can do. FWIW.
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I'll repeat t again; when we were squaring off against UF in the title game there was a rumor that the Browns were going to make JT an offer he could not refuse. A UF poster's comment was "before JT could drive to Cleveland,
Urban would be unpacking his new office in Columbus. I'd take urban in a second.
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calibuck;1295072; said:
Urban Meyer? Does one think he can be wooed from the sunshine of Florida?
1. He's an Ohioan and got his coaching start serving a two-year stint as a GA under Earle.
2. Ohio State could match any school in the country for salary.
3. If Urban wants to win National Titles, the path to the title game under the current system would normally favor OSU over Florida.
4. He'd have his pick of high school talent out of the Great Lakes states and still be able to cherry pick Florida and other locations in the South. No more competing with FSU, Miami, USF, etc.

Urban has never kept his interest in the Ohio State job a secret.
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fourteenandoh;1295100; said:
i would love to see what urban meyer would do with these guys.

Urban would be fun...but he's a far different guy than JT. It's difficult for me to go from a guy that oozes class, to Urban Meyer. And it isn;t a bad thing Urban is the way he is.....they're just different guys. Urban is much more arrogant and direct.

JT is reserved and about everyone else first. I think it'd be a very weird transition.
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stowfan;1295086; said:
I'll repeat t again; when we were squaring off against UF in the title game there was a rumor that the Browns were going to make JT an offer he could not refuse. A UF poster's comment was "before JT could drive to Cleveland,
Urban would be unpacking his new office in Columbus. I'd take urban in a second.

That certainly is worth repeating, simply for those like me who hadn't heard that before (read: must live under a rock)

In that particular scenario, the likelihood that Urban comes to Columbus is nill, since JT won't be the coach of the Browns in this lifetime. Since JT has his say on when he is no longer OSU's coach, I plan on my kids seeing him coach one day, and I'm currently single. However, if Urban really is enamored with JT's job, it would pay huge dividends to hire him when the time comes, no question about it.
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