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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?


Some of the guys on this list are getting up there in years... here are some younger guys that come to mind who might be able to stick around awhile.

Rob Chudzinski- Ohio guy- dunno how well he recrutied at Miami but knows a little offense.

Jeff Davidson- Ohio State guy... wish he had a bit more college experience....

Jeff Jagodzinski-- dunno... amuses me some- see how he does without Ryan.

Anyway, jsut some younger gusy not yet mentioned that popped into my head...

As Tressel probably really won't retire tomorrow.
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Pepper Johnson. He's an Ohio State guy and is relatively young at 43. Now, even though he has no previous head coaching experience, he is a solid coordinator/assistant coach. But the real clincher is that he has FIVE super bowl rings! One. Two. Three. Four. FIVE!

Pepper is at least 20% more qualified to coach a major college program than Charlie Weis.
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Dryden;1180867; said:
Pepper is at least 20% more qualified to coach a major college program than Charlie Weis.

To suggest that this is not a ringing endorsement might be a bit of an understatement.

The above sentence was a bit of an understatement.

The above sentence was a bit of an understatement.

The above sentence was a bit of an understatement.

The above sentence was a bit of an understatement.

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generaladm;1178248; said:
No way Tressel turns in to JoePa. JT will coach until he gets tired of the job's demanding nature, and he feels the program is in good hands. Hopefully, he stays on in some administrative position (or runs for office). JoePa doesn't know what else to do. I heard that when JoePa was first hired as an assistant at PSU, another coach let him live with his family until he got acclimated. Years passed without JoePa ever loking for a place of his own. Finally, the other coach said, "Hey, Joe, don't you think it's time for you to move out?" I think JoePa was married and maybe HC by that time.
What was the mane of our DC who left to coach at Marshall? He might be one to consider.

I don't think Tressel would have to "run" for any office in Ohio. A slow stroll would get him any office he wanted.
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Mr. Clutch;514283; said:
Of course this won't happen, but what coach would you want to replace Tress? (Assuming you could have any coach even if they are currently coaching another university)

I'd replace Jim Tressel with a Jim Tressel clone. Of course this won't happen, but I can dream, right?

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7 Heismans;1189558; said:
I'd replace Jim Tressel with a Jim Tressel clone. Of course this won't happen, but I can dream, right?

I would say that if someone is allowed the license to dream up this question then you certainly may introduce your own fantasy right along with it.
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