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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?

Assuming that Tressel will leave on great terms with the university and fan base, hiring from within only makes sense. Hazell, Heacock, Bollman, or Fickell would all be viable choices. As far as current head coaches, I'd go with Dantonio or Brian Kelly. I think Kelly would actually be a better coach in terms of recruiting and PR. He has turned UC into a legit Big East contender in just one season. He has also done a tremendous job in creating excitement for the Bearcats, who before Kelly's arrival, could not sell out a 35,000 seat stadium. I think Kelly could really thrive in the big stage environment of Columbus.
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generaladm;1176432; said:
He has turned UC into a legit Big East contender in just one season.

LOL, no pretty easy to do that when Dantonio did all the dirty work. That top 25 finish belongs just as much to Dantonio as it does Kelly. Plus, we're talking about the Big-East. It's not exactly like taking Northwestern to the top of the Big-10 or Vandy to the top of the SEC. I like Kelly but I'd take Dantonio over him in a heartbeat.
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Yes, I agree that Coach D laid some great groundwork at UC, bringing in good, hard nosed players with great work ethic. But the talent level at UC in 2007 was still below the Big East elite. Kelly's coaching gave the 'Cats a real chance to win every game. UC posted it's first 10 win season since 1951. Living in Cincy for ten years now, it's obvious the impact Kelly has had on the program and the city. Dantonio got the ball rolling with solid seasons and a huge win over Rutgers in 2006. When he left for MSU, most people expected a slide back to mediocrity. As soon as Coach Kelly came to town, he made it his mission to create excitement for the team; literally walking around campus and talking to anyone he ran into. He has great character, and runs a respectable program. Don't get me wrong, I do think Dantonio is a better X's and O's guy. I'd even support the idea of paying him as much as Tressel to come back to OSU as DC. 2002 = Best Defense Ever! My point was that Kelly's personality might give him a slight edge in recruiting and PR. I'd still take Coach D any day of the week (twice on Saturdays!).
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Bill Parcells. Srsly.

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Tough question, good thread. Hopefully, we won't have to answer it soon.

Meyer and Dantonio quickly come to mind. No offense to any of our assistants, but I'm apprehensive about anyone's first ever HC job being at Ohio State. Let them get that first HC gig somewhere with a little less pressure, like Tressel at YSU, Meyer at BG, Dantonio at UC, etc.. Prove themselves at that level, then pursue a return to C-bus.
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