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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?


Mr. Clutch;514283; said:
Of course this won't happen, but what coach would you want to replace Tress? (Assuming you could have any coach even if they are currently coaching another university)

Luke Fickell. Lets give the young buck a chance. Plus, he is a DeSales boy like someone else..uhhhh ya me.

Luke Fickell-State Wrestling Champion at DeSales
I think All Ohio in Football.

Started at DT at OSU. Also wrestled at OSU I think?

Someone help me out here. What else???????

Go Stallions-Go Bucks!
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MililaniBuckeye;1175053; said:
I would not be surprised to see Hazell gone after this season...I'm not predicting it, but it wouldn't shock me. If we had to hire someone today, Hazell would be a good choice, but I don't think the administration would hire someone without head coaching experience.

As for Fickell, he won't be ready for a head coaching gig at an elite program like Ohio State for at least another 10 years. He has no head coaching experience at all. If we're talking about hiring today, Fickell wouldn't even be in the equation.

I know Hazell has more experience coaching on the collegiate level, but has he even been a coordinator? What is it about Hazell that would make you feel more comfortable with him as a head coach.

Not doubting you, just curious if there is something about him that you've observed that would make him a better candidate. i.e leadership qualities, good at x and o guy, motivator, understanding of the game at a more global level etc.
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Dryden;514353; said:
Honestly, I wouldn't mind Glen Mason.

Rush for 1,500 yards at Minnesota? *yawn*
Rush for 1,500 yards at Ohio State? Hello, Heisman!

Mason has the ties, the track record, and the desire. Hell, he beat Michigan last year at Michigan, and damn near beat Ohio State too. I know Minnesota has some fine athletes, but if you put any stock in recruiting services, talent evaluation, etc ... his teams shouldn't have even been in those ball games.

I think he could win if he had the recruiting muscle and facilities behind him, and he will never, ever get that in Minnesota.
I wouldn't mind Mason either, despite the fact that he hasn't been coaching for a year now. And, for purposes of this discussion, I wouldn't even consider guys, including Meyer, who are already head coaches at premier programs. Whomever you may want to mention (Meyer, Stoops, Pelini) that is already installed at a big-time program and either had or likely set to have success, would probably be a long-shot, at best, in my view. I also wouldn't consider anyone who hasn't, at minimum, been a true offensive or defensive coordinator at a major program for a few years. So guys like Fickell and Hazell (not to mention Vrabel, Spielman, or Cris Carter) would be out of consideration. So I would definitely bring in Glen Mason for an interview, as he has the Ohio ties, and has in my opinion, already shown himself to be, at the very least, a solid D-1A head coach. Just to make a comparison, and putting aside lack of ties to the school or state and other ancillary (i.e. character) issues, Rich Rodriguez was a reasonably good hire for UM, based strictly on his WVU teams' on-field performance. But I'd argue that, given the slightly different circumstances (i.e. competition, or lack thereof) that Glen Mason did just as good a job at Minnesota as Rodriguez did at WVU. And the ties and ancillary issues would obviously make Mason superior. Not to suggest UM's hiring of Rodriguez is the standard - it most certainly is not. But based on on-field performance, I think some may be selling Mason short. Aside from Mason, I'd give Dantonio a look, and I'd also anticipate that, like Tressel in 2001, there is a guy or two out there working at a lower level, who is largely unknown to the majority of Buckeye fans, but who would be an excellent fit.
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TheIronColonel;1177868; said:
No one has mentioned Heacock? Seems like he's done a solid job, though I don't know that much about him beyond the defensive stats.

Last 2 NC games and Illinois last year make it pretty hard for me to ever be ok with him. Lets see if he can get away from the soft zone bullshit this year or if he sticks with it and costs us a game.

The defensive gameplan from the 2006 NC game still just makes me want to vomit. UF fans I talk to still can't believe we didn't pressure Leak.
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Jaxbuck;1178097; said:
Last 2 NC games and Illinois last year make it pretty hard for me to ever be ok with him. Lets see if he can get away from the soft zone bullshit this year or if he sticks with it and costs us a game.

The defensive gameplan from the 2006 NC game still just makes me want to vomit. UF fans I talk to still can't believe we didn't pressure Leak.

That, and we were willing to give them 7 yards whenever they wanted it. :(
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Jaxbuck;1178097; The defensive gameplan from the 2006 NC game still just makes me want to vomit. UF fans I talk to still can't believe we didn't pressure Leak.[/quote said:
I know, it's like the defensive gameplan was to let Florida get 2 or 3 first downs and hope for an interception on the short side of the 50 yard line.

As for my pick to replace Trseel if he retired: Greg Schiano. No one does more with less talent.
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No way Tressel turns in to JoePa. JT will coach until he gets tired of the job's demanding nature, and he feels the program is in good hands. Hopefully, he stays on in some administrative position (or runs for office). JoePa doesn't know what else to do. I heard that when JoePa was first hired as an assistant at PSU, another coach let him live with his family until he got acclimated. Years passed without JoePa ever loking for a place of his own. Finally, the other coach said, "Hey, Joe, don't you think it's time for you to move out?" I think JoePa was married and maybe HC by that time.
What was the mane of our DC who left to coach at Marshall? He might be one to consider.
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