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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?

NastyDogg72;1295219; said:
He is too busy selling the naming rights to the final game of the season. For your information it will now be refered to as "The big, huge, large, supercollasal, battle of the midwest, November Classic formally known as the Greatest Rivalry in all of Sports, tOSU vs. scUM.

That guy would sell the naming rights to the urinal cakes if he could.

Kid are you nuts?

Thad Matta and Jim Tressel are two of the best hires since Florida took Meyer and Donovan.

Geiger has done more than enough to earn every Buckeye fan's respect and appreciation.
Upvote 0
BUCKYLE;1295436; said:
Andy gave me a dirty look...twice. I forgive him, because I probably deserved it.

I tried to slow him down once as he was entering Max & Erma's, on his way to the bar. (It was for lunch, so he wasn't ordering shots.) I know what that dirty look looks like. Have you ever felt insignificant? I have.

Andy Geiger is the shiznit.
Upvote 0
NastyDogg72;1295219; said:
He is too busy selling the naming rights to the final game of the season. For your information it will now be refered to as "The big, huge, large, supercollasal, battle of the midwest, November Classic formally known as the Greatest Rivalry in all of Sports, tOSU vs. scUM.

That guy would sell the naming rights to the urinal cakes if he could.

One of the worst posts I've ever seen here or on any other site. Hope You're just having a bad night.

Andy Geiger is a big reason that "Buckeye" sites are overloaded with "fans" these days. Tressel and Matta have turned years of heartbreak into 2 programs with deserved high expectations. Kudo's to Andy for hiring these two great Teachers and Coaches.
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schwab;1295442; said:
I tried to slow him down once as he was entering Max & Erma's, on his way to the bar. (It was for lunch, so he wasn't ordering shots.) I know what that dirty look looks like. Have you ever felt insignificant? I have.

Andy Geiger is the shiznit.


Agreed about Mr. Geiger...

The first look I got was on the Huntington Club elavator against Akron in '01. I had my sleeveless "Fuck Michigan" t-shirt on...at the Akron game...first game of the year. :lol:

Second was at the Buckeye HOF Cafe. He was doing an interview for 4,6, or 10 and we were chanting "Maurice, Maurice" behind the Camera.
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NastyDogg72;1295219; said:
He is too busy selling the naming rights to the final game of the season. For your information it will now be refered to as "The big, huge, large, supercollasal, battle of the midwest, November Classic formally known as the Greatest Rivalry in all of Sports, tOSU vs. scUM.

That guy would sell the naming rights to the urinal cakes if he could.

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BuckeyeBooks;1295447; said:
One of the worst posts I've ever seen here or on any other site. Hope You're just having a bad night.

And such vast expirence to make said observation: Join Date: Sep 2008

BuckeyeBooks;1295492; said:
"Probably" deserved It?:cheers:
Peace. (Oops, maybe I'm not supposed to say that).

Opps... I may have spoke to soon on the join date... Seems you probably DO know a thing or two about a "Bad night" Try jacking off to poker after dark.
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