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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?

Buckeyefrankmp;1812424; said:
Nebraska did and they are doing OK with that hire.

A minor point, but Pelini had been their interim head coach for the 2003 Alamo Bowl, so they got to see him for a month in that role. It's certainly not the same as running a program for a full season, but he had to deal with the media and organize a game plan, and Nebraska got to see him do it.
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Fitz? Seriously? Are we just saying he's a great young coach, or are you actually saying that you think we could pull Fitz away from NW? I know, I know, we are THE Ohio State University and all, but come on. Fitz isn't leaving, and I really respect the guy for that.
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What about Mark Dantonio?

He's taken Michigan State from a joke in the Big 10 to one of the best teams in the conference. I'm not saying he's a must-hire, but he could easily become that if he continues to build up Michigan State.

Oh, and he has a proven track record against the skunkbears. That has to count for something :-)
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I think Fitzgerald is in the ideal spot for himself at NW'ern. And I hope he stays there - with him, Northwestern is respectable, and that's good for the Big Ten. He can relate to those players and he can sell that program to recruits like nobody else. I like his character and his intensity, but I'm not sure how successful he'd be somewhere else.

If he left, I really believe that program could deteriorate quickly. Yeah, I know about the Barnett and Walker years, but they could very quickly have results like Vanderbilt.
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heisman;1812526; said:

Fitz is Thad Matta in pads. He'd do just fine.
Thad Matta was producing some solid talent at X. Not great but respectable.

Fitz has been doing a remarkable job coaching up mediocre talent. They're still recruiting and producing the same general caliber of talent.
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BB73;1812523; said:
I think Fitzgerald is in the ideal spot for himself at NW'ern.

I agree. I don't care how good or bad he would be at another school, I hope he stays at Northwestern because that is where he belongs. I know loyalty means practically nothing in sports these days, but if Fitzgerald left Northwestern that would piss me off.
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brutus2002;1812390; said:
Why would we want Hazell as our head coach? He has proven nothing as a head coach.

The only thing I can say is that Coach Tressel has seen what he can do as a coach. He has seen more of what Coach Hazell is capable of then we have. If Coach Tressel thinks he can run the Ohio State program, then you should trust the coach.
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