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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?

Buckeye86;1812582; said:
You also mentioned head coaching experience, so you want Pelini? I am not against that.

I could list a million different things that I wanted in the next head coach at Ohio State, but when no one has all of those qualities, you go with the next best thing.

I would much rather have Fickell or Hazell with no head coaching experience than take a shot on someone with no connections to the program.

Outside of Pelini, who meets your criteria that would be a viable option?

Mike Stoops
Bob Stoops
Les Miles
Urban Meyer
Bo Pelini
Mark Dantonio

Just off the top of my head
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Buckrock;1812612; said:
Rich Rod supposedly would never leave WV. Fitgerald would double his salary (at least) and have one of the top 5 college jobs. Bleeding purple and seeing green $$ can make it a tough decision.

When asked about the PSU job after Paterno retires, Fitz said he would definitely have to listen.
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brutus2002;1812637; said:
Mike Stoops
possible, he was hired by Arizona with no head coaching experience

brutus2002;1812637; said:
Bob Stoops
was he a serious candidate the last time around? if not I don't see why he would be this time

he was hired by Oklahoma with no head coaching experience

brutus2002;1812637; said:
Les Miles
you've got to be kidding

brutus2002;1812637; said:
Urban Meyer
off the field issues take him down so far in my book that I would not be worried if he didn't even get a look

brutus2002;1812637; said:
Bo Pelini

hired by Nebraska with no head coaching experience

brutus2002;1812637; said:
Mark Dantonio
he is four years younger than Tressel and will be hovering around 60 by the time Tressel leaves

I would not want to hire someone that old

anyways, you have your opinions, I have mine

I am done here
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Onebuckfan;1812605; said:
I don't think JT will groom a successor ala Brown and Muschamp, coming from a football family he knows that choosing a coach is the responsibiblity of the AD..

I flat out guarantee you that Tressel's is grooming Hazell right now, and has been grooming him for a while, else Hazell would not be assistant head coach. Tressel knows that he needs to have an assistant who is primed and ready to fill in for him at a moments notice if something should happen to him. Hazell will be totally prepared to replace Tressel once Tressel decides to hang it up.

Oh, if you think the AD's decision of hiring the next head coach will be without serious input from Tressel, I have the Hawaii-California Bridge to sell you. In fact, I'd bet that Tressel makes the actual call and Smith and Gee rubber stamp it.
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Buckeye86;1812659; said:
possible, he was hired by Arizona with no head coaching experience

was he a serious candidate the last time around? if not I don't see why he would be this time

he was hired by Oklahoma with no head coaching experience

you've got to be kidding

off the field issues take him down so far in my book that I would not be worried if he didn't even get a look


hired by Nebraska with no head coaching experience

he is four years younger than Tressel and will be hovering around 60 by the time Tressel leaves

I would not want to hire someone that old

anyways, you have your opinions, I have mine

I am done here

I thought it was one hell of a discussion and I enjoyed it. I think the fanbase is split on the issue. If we were to go your route I like Fickell. Hes a great recruiter and hes defensively minded for obvious reasons.

Look at NW they have a great coach for the next 25+ years. Fitzgerald is turning them into a football program. The days of the "mildcats" are over. I am warming up to your philosophy though. Having a young guy around that can coach 20+ years is appealing.

We shall see 86 Tress isn't done yet so we'll have to wait. Good discussion...in the end we are all Buckeyes!!
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brutus2002;1812715; said:
We shall see 86 Tress isn't done yet so we'll have to wait. Good discussion...in the end we are all Buckeyes!!

yeah, I get frustrated debating things that are so hypothetical, it's not like we will have much impact on the final outcome either way

but yeah, it was nice having something to do today
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I think it should be a name nobody expects. I remember hearing the phrase "Jim who?" ad nauseum. At the risk of being laughed at, Jason Garrett, the new interim coach for the Dallas Cowboys, should be considered. If the past record means anything, it won't be long before Jerry Jones screws him too. In the meantime, Tressel is perfect. I'd hate to be the AD who has the job of replacing him.

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I don't know that you overpay to get Fitzgerald when you have Fickell sitting in the WHAC. I also don't like the message that would send. You have a talented young defensive coach who absolutely bleeds S&G and has spent (by the time JT is gone) 20 years in the program and then you go try to get Pat Fitzgerald? We're better than that. I think what's been said about Hazell is probably right and that would be fine with me. We have to keep the recruiting edge and Hazell with Fickell as DC gets that done. We want a 15-20 year coach, if possible. Pelini gets us MAYBE 10 post-JT by the time Tressel leaves.
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RugbyBuck;1812738; said:
I don't know that you overpay to get Fitzgerald when you have Fickell sitting in the WHAC. I also don't like the message that would send. You have a talented young defensive coach who absolutely bleeds S&G and has spent (by the time JT is gone) 20 years in the program and then you go try to get Pat Fitzgerald? We're better than that. I think what's been said about Hazell is probably right and that would be fine with me. We have to keep the recruiting edge and Hazell with Fickell as DC gets that done. We want a 15-20 year coach, if possible. Pelini gets us MAYBE 10 post-JT by the time Tressel leaves.

Pelini will turn 43 next month. If Tress stays long enough so that Pelini's 10 years from retirement, that'll make me very happy, whether tOSU hires Pelini or not. :oh:
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Not even a matter of guessing really. If it isn't Fickel or Hazel...

gotta be Pelini...

Defensive minded coach willing to mold his offense around his players best skill sets. Very intensive, very disciplined. Sounds like the kind of guy for the job.
By the time Tres decides to hang it up, Bo will have the Huskers' recruiting and playing like a top program. He has the program turned around and heading in the right direction.
In a few more years if the Alma Mater decides to come calling and he has the itch to finish his career back in Columbus, I doubt there will be any animosity towards him
in Lincoln if he makes that decision.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1813002; said:
I'd replace Tress with BB73. I'm not sure he could coach his way out of a paper bag, but I do know he'd get every time management related issue correct for his entire career.


TIMEOUT!!! But it is dark in here.

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