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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?

Some chucklehead. Every legendary football coach seems to be followed by a colossal [censored]up, so get this inevitability out of the way quickly so we can get back to winning.

As the prime chucklehead candidate, I'd offer up Les Miles and Dan Hawkins. After one or the other of those jokers, whoever gets hired next will look like the Messiah.

I'd suggest Rich Rodriguez, but we don't deserve that level of suck no matter what.
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Tough call. I'd have no problem with Hazell or Fickell, and one or the other is the obvious choice, but the guy I'd really like to see, assuming that he can get a few years of experience as a coach before JT steps down, is Mike Vrabel. All you ever read is that he's the smartest (in terms of football) player anyone's ever seen, he has a stated interest in coaching at Ohio State, he brings some fresh perspective, and, perhaps most importantly, I think he brings just enough of that Meyer/Harbaugh nasty edge that OSU seems to always lack.

Huge Caveat: As a casual CU fan, I was pre-bandwagon on what a great idea it would be to bring Dan Hawkins in to coach CU. Oops.
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bucknut502;1814686; said:
Please explain

they want Bill Cowher as their next coach

that thing that makes college coaches terrible NFL coaches works in reverse, completely different set of skills required and all that, that is assuming that they would even take the job in the first place, which is slim to none

basically, it is a pipe dream, and a bad one at that
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Buckeye86;1814688; said:
they want Bill Cowher as their next coach

that thing that makes college coaches terrible NFL coaches works in reverse, completely different set of skills required and all that, that is assuming that they would even take the job in the first place, which is slim to none

basically, it is a pipe dream, and a bad one at that
Well, that is why I said that it would be unlikely. And I also see you're point about having the different set of skills but I think Gruden has it in him to be a great college coach. I don't think he would ever do it but he has the enthusiasm and fire that is required to motivate 19 and 20 year olds...Oh and who could recruit against a guy like Gruden at a school like THE Ohio State University?
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bucknut502;1814698; said:
Well, that is why I said that it would be unlikely. And I also see you're point about having the different set of skills but I think Gruden has it in him to be a great college coach. I don't think he would ever do it but he has the enthusiasm and fire that is required to motivate 19 and 20 year olds...Oh and who could recruit against a guy like Gruden at a school like THE Ohio State University?

I like Gruden a lot too. I just don't think there's a college out there that could offer him what an NFL franchise can. He would have to want to be a college coach, and I've never heard him say anything to make me think he wants to be a college coach...
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robbothehut;1817280; said:
How about Gary Patterson from TCU if you want someone with HC experience...they play defense like Buckeyes and it would give us a nice Texas recruiting tie in.

If you don't need HC experience...I like LF or DH

Is he from Ohio? Want an Ohio guy. Just do...
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Saw31;1814728; said:
I like Gruden a lot too. I just don't think there's a college out there that could offer him what an NFL franchise can. He would have to want to be a college coach, and I've never heard him say anything to make me think he wants to be a college coach...

I had actually heard that he had spent some time studying the spread offense while considering whether or not to test the waters in college coaching
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