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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?

Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1813002; said:
I'd replace Tress with BB73. I'm not sure he could coach his way out of a paper bag, but I do know he'd get every time management related issue correct for his entire career.


Hmmm, I like where you're going with that. Keep it in the clan, so to speak. One of our own as head coach, think of how good the tidbits thread would be. I'm thinking we could bump membership back up to $79.99.

How about osugrad21. Has coaching experience, ties to schools in SEC land, and that whole 'capo' thing - > off the field issues: thing of the past.

How about it grad? Send 'em your resume!!
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1. Dantonio. He has done an incredible job with Michigan State. Imagine what he could do with the recruiting options that stem from being Ohio State.
2. Fred Pagac. I read through most of the posts and don't recall seeing his name. Age may be an issue, but a solid choice IMO.
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SloopyHangOn;1812651; said:
I'm definitely on board with the idea of Pat Fitzgerald. I'm also a big fan of Mike Stoops if it were to come down to an entire staff change.

Blech. His behavior on the sideline makes me want to puke. I don't see the AD (JT) bringing in a guy like that.
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MililaniBuckeye;1812680; said:
I flat out guarantee you that Tressel's is grooming Hazell right now, and has been grooming him for a while, else Hazell would not be assistant head coach. Tressel knows that he needs to have an assistant who is primed and ready to fill in for him at a moments notice if something should happen to him. Hazell will be totally prepared to replace Tressel once Tressel decides to hang it up.

Oh, if you think the AD's decision of hiring the next head coach will be without serious input from Tressel, I have the Hawaii-California Bridge to sell you. In fact, I'd bet that Tressel makes the actual call and Smith and Gee rubber stamp it.

I am still convinced that JT is the AD when all this goes down. I just don't see JT as a "retirement" kind of guy. He'll be at TOSU forever, just in a new capacity. Just my imo...
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Saw31;1814065; said:
I am still convinced that JT is the AD when all this goes down. I just don't see JT as a "retirement" kind of guy. He'll be at TOSU forever, just in a new capacity. Just my imo...

I wouldn't be at all surprised if he is still called Senator Tressel after leaving Ohio State. :wink:
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Saw31;1814065; said:
I am still convinced that JT is the AD when all this goes down. I just don't see JT as a "retirement" kind of guy. He'll be at TOSU forever, just in a new capacity. Just my imo...

I could see some sort of Senior Associate AD role that keeps Gene Smith in place and doesn't require total full-time commitment from 65-ish JT to run the entire dept., but allows him to provide leadership and give input on major decision-making, especially regarding the football team.

I agree he'll be associated with OSU in a formal capacity pretty much forever, but it will be interesting to see what other ventures he becomes involved with too.
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I don't endorse this, but i'm gonna throw a name out there that I haven't heard.

Mel Tucker.

My preference in a HC would be one that has prior head coaching experience. There can be a big difference b/w being a successful coordinator and a HC (ex. Weis, Crennel). It is a different skill set.

Tucker lacks the experience, but he does have strong ties to Ohio, as well as NE Ohio specifically, not to mention he is a Tressel Disciple, and was known as a very stong recruiter.
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Ever think that there may be a 2x succession plan being put together?

JT --> DH --> LF?

I know that there's only 10 years or so between DH and LF, but put it in DH's hands for a while and let LF take over in the AHC spot for a bit. It would be great if there was a 15 year or so difference between Darrell and Luke, but it is what it is. We'd be covered for the next 40 years.

Just a thought.
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