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If Tressel retired today, who would you want to replace him?

Buckeyefrankmp;1812540; said:
The only thing I can say is that Coach Tressel has seen what he can do as a coach. He has seen more of what Coach Hazell is capable of then we have. If Coach Tressel thinks he can run the Ohio State program, then you should trust the coach.

Yes, I also want Hazell because im sure hes alot like Tressel. He has learned under him and seen the way Tressel does things. Im sure we all question some of Tressels ways but the guy just wins, no matter how he does it, I'll never complain. I know I dont want A coach like Saban or Kiffin who will leave you with nothing if they have a better job.
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Buckeye86;1812417; said:
you say you are worried about an assistant being over his head as a head coach, I am worried about an outsider coming in and destroying what Tressel has built at Ohio State on and off of the football field

to each his own

also, if Tressel retires on his own terms it's not like he is going to completely disappear from the program, Fickell or Hazell will always have someone to turn to for advice if they are feeling overwhelmed

Negative...In my original post I said someone with Ohio ties that understands the rivalry.
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jwinslow;1812510; said:
The problem with Harbaugh is how long will he stay before joining his brother as a HC in the NFL?

Sure but that's something you look at during the vetting process.

Yertle;1812517; said:
No. May Wayne Woodrow Hayes haunt your soul for the rest of your eternity.

Right now Coach Hayes is kicking back with Bo & watching from their skybox seats.

I think the poetic justice of returning the favor to the TSUN would suit him just fine.
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Will be very interesting to see how Pelini continues to do at Nebraska for the rest of Tressel's career, since with his combination of (potentially very) successful head-coaching experience at a major program and his deep Ohio/OSU ties (plus being 15 years younger than JT) he could be the easy top all-around choice by that time. Plus, as a defensive guy he'd have more freedom to bring in that hotshot OC everyone's always asking for.

But either of Fickell or Hazell, with 10-20 years of OSU assistant experience, presumably with a number of years at the head coordinator positions by then (and both known to be solid recruiters), could be excellent choices too. I've probably always preferred Fickell for being an OSU/Columbus guy. (Not that I'd wish this upon him, but Hazell's storyline reads like it could end with him head-coaching Rutgers.)
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I think when the time does come it needs to be an Ohio guy. Somebody that already has a lot of respect throughout the state. Tressel has built a fence around Ohio that was not there when he came here. Reason? Because he already had such a great relationship with many of the big time high schools in the area while he was at YSU. Ohio State has such a big football program that it is always going to be able to recruit nationally...but what is more difficult is to not let the good ones from Ohio get away.

Another important part about Tressel will be what role he takes once he steps down as head coach. We need to keep him as close to the football program as possible and hopefully use that in the recruiting process.
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brutus2002;1812552; said:
Negative...In my original post I said someone with Ohio ties that understands the rivalry.

You also mentioned head coaching experience, so you want Pelini? I am not against that.

I could list a million different things that I wanted in the next head coach at Ohio State, but when no one has all of those qualities, you go with the next best thing.

I would much rather have Fickell or Hazell with no head coaching experience than take a shot on someone with no connections to the program.

Outside of Pelini, who meets your criteria that would be a viable option?
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heisman;1812420; said:
Pat Fitzgerald. No close second for me.

He'd be a great choice, but he's not leaving NW. Pelini would be my choice for a big name hire provided he continues to win AND runs a clean program at Nowledge. Maybe it's just the SEC, but I don't really see any desire on Meyer's part to clean up the off-field crap in that program.

Tressel had a rough start--one that had me seriously questioning whether he should continue in the job. He, however, clearly had his priorities right and, after getting his feet set, we've seen the results in off-field incidents trickling down to almost nothing, increased grad rates every year and a Top 10 apr ranking the last two years. I've yet to see anything approaching that from Urban Meyer.

Gator in 3...2...1...
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I don't think JT will groom a successor ala Brown and Muschamp, coming from a football family he knows that choosing a coach is the responsibiblity of the AD..That being said Pelini or Mike Stoops would be ok. Pat Fitz would be the best but he bleeds purple. If we add an OC I would nominate Missouri's don't remember his name but I think he's from Ohio.
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Onebuckfan;1812605; said:
I don't think JT will groom a successor ala Brown and Muschamp, coming from a football family he knows that choosing a coach is the responsibiblity of the AD..That being said Pelini or Mike Stoops would be ok. Pat Fitz would be the best but he bleeds purple. If we add an OC I would nominate Missouri's don't remember his name but I think he's from Ohio.

Rich Rod supposedly would never leave WV. Fitgerald would double his salary (at least) and have one of the top 5 college jobs. Bleeding purple and seeing green $$ can make it a tough decision.
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Buckrock;1812612; said:
Rich Rod supposedly would never leave WV. Fitgerald would double his salary (at least) and have one of the top 5 college jobs. Bleeding purple and seeing green $$ can make it a tough decision.

He probably would have been a top 2 finalist for the domer job last year but took himself out of consideration. If Fitz left NW, it would really be a serious shock in Chicago. It is not ALL about the money for some. Remember, Woody was the lowest paid coach in the Big Ten at the end of his career. Fitz is cut from the same mold.
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