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I give up. This board is too hard to understand.

FUCK! why do i always miss this shit? I'm going to quit my job, leave my wife, and just stay on BP 24x7....

or maybe we could get a trigger to send emails/phones calls out to us when a douchebag thread takes off like this...
Upvote 0
fredm333;1188900; said:
Phd's only apparently. A thread I started on Antonio Henton disappeared. I notice there are 8 posters yet 15 moderators. Too many chiefs not enough Indians here?

I thought this was a joke at first. I find this board to be MUCH easier to navigate than some others. It makes infinitely more sense to have threads dedicated to topics than to have dozens of threads on the same subject. I find it hard to believe that anyone with at least basic computer sense would have difficulty with this board.
Upvote 0
Redhawk;1190158; said:
I thought this was a joke at first. I find this board to be MUCH easier to navigate than some others. It makes infinitely more sense to have threads dedicated to topics than to have dozens of threads on the same subject. I find it hard to believe that anyone with at least basic computer sense would have difficulty with this board.

meee licks innern3ts
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