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I give up. This board is too hard to understand.

This place needs more maps :(

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Ha ha ha, this thread is awesome! I've never seen so many funny posts in one thread before!

Really though, the sarcasm needs to stop....it's hard to search for a serious thread with REAL information

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Could someone please direct me to thread whining about how difficult it is to find things on this board? I cannot seem to locate it due to the terrible setup of this forum.
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Bucky Katt;1190331; said:
Could someone please direct me to thread whining about how difficult it is to find things on this board? I cannot seem to locate it due to the terrible setup of this forum.

Log back in under our main username (bkb). That gives you access to the super-secret, elitist-prick, bkb-only functions. But if I know that, doesn't that mean that you also know it since we're both BKB??...

OCBucksFan;1190333; said:

Greenies for reminding me of that thread. Man, that was fun
Upvote 0
DaddyBigBucks;1190337; said:
Log back in under our main username (bkb). That gives you access to the super-secret, elitist-prick, bkb-only functions. But if I know that, doesn't that mean that you also know it since we're both BKB??...

Errr...don't you mean elitist-pr ick?
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OCBucksFan;1190333; said:

Thank you, I was looking for that as well. Glad to see someone around here is trying to help others. Whoever designed this difficult site needs to open their eyes and make some changes around here. I'm tired of searching for the advanced search search button.
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