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I give up. This board is too hard to understand.

fredm333;1188914; said:
Ah the obligatory board pr ick. No thanks, I'll use the ESPN OSU board. It is understandable without having to take a course on it.
Finally someone has the balls to say it. grad, your towering intellect has made this most-difficult-to-use board easy to use for you, but impossible for us who don't have a high-school diploma. Thanks a lot.

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JCOSU86;1189165; said:
Finally someone has the balls to say it. grad, your towering intellect has made this most-difficult-to-use board easy to use for you, but impossible for us who don't have a high-school diploma. Thanks a lot.

Ummmm.... if this board is so hard to use, how did you find this thread so soon? Explain yourself. NOW!
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fredm333;1188914; said:
Ah the obligatory board pr ick. No thanks, I'll use the ESPN OSU board. It is understandable without having to take a course on it.

lol the ESPN boards are run by people who think they know everything there is to know about sports. But in reality they know nothing at all, have fun over there

You'll be missed :roll2::lol:
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I was really enjoying this forum until I took a wrong turn on this interweb super interstate and ended up at prisontalk.com.... all is not lost though.... I know have a new friend that I will meet and hangout with in 7-10 years.... as you can see by the nice tattoo on his chin.... he's all about the fun!!!!

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