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I give up. This board is too hard to understand.

fredm333;1188963; said:
Linear Mode Display. That should be your default for new users. Everyone understands that. They can choose your outline display anytime. Not sure I understand the merging of threads with 8 users on the board. Might make sense in September I suppose.

We had 8 users? On at the same time? HOLY FUCKING GOATCHEESE, time to celebrate, Deety, can you please come up with a way to celebrate this occasion that would involve cats?
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OCBucksFan;1189000; said:
We had 8 users? On at the same time? HOLY FUCKING GOATCHEESE, time to celebrate, Deety, can you please come up with a way to celebrate this occasion that would involve cats?
Sorry, dude. I'm busy sweeping up the time-space warp that opened up when more posters than exist posted in this thread.
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This will have to do.

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