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I give up. This board is too hard to understand.

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fredm333;1188900; said:
Phd's only apparently. A thread I started on Antonio Henton disappeared. I notice there are 8 posters yet 15 moderators. Too many chiefs not enough Indians here?

So could all the doctors on BP tell me which class taught you about the search button? You elitist bastards.
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Ignore these jokers Fredm333. Welcome.

Just look for the spinning multicolor disc in the upper right hand corner of the UserCP, and right click it until you see "Show Hidden Duplicate Users" and adjust the setting to exclude the extra mods.
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Welcome Fredm333, another newbie here. Perhaps we can work as a team to uncover the mysteries of this board. Myself, after several weeks of attempts I managed to start a thread about one fine young fellow named Christopher Wells, but the eli tists merged it with a thread about someone named Chris "Beanie" Wells, and now I can't seem to find it.

I had an exchange with a moderator about the matter, and apparently my resume and degrees are still being debated by the board acceptance committee. They will consider sharing the secrets of the board if I am approved.

Have you had any success with your application?
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Well, sadly for Freddy here, who has had so much to offer us by way of advice and etc.. he made a fatal mistake by spamming the same broken links not once but twice. It would seem there is a lesson to be learned here. If you have links to things like, say, Ohio State's record over a period of 3 random collections of years, and your number one priority is ease of board use and such, be sure to start no less than 2 threads on the same topic and for shit's sake make sure the links don't work.

Anyway, it is with great regret that we'll have to press on at BP without Fred and his tremendous input over our, often times, willy-nilly conduct. You should all expect that any decisions made around here will go back to being completely arbitrary and capricious. As always, gifts intended to influence your mods here to "look the other way" are highly encouraged.

Thanks, and good luck.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;1189150; said:
Well, sadly for Freddy here, who has had so much to offer us by way of advice and etc.. he made a fatal mistake by spamming the same broken links not once but twice. It would seem there is a lesson to be learned here. If you have links to things like, say, Ohio State's record over a period of 3 random collections of years, and your number one priority is ease of board use and such, be sure to start no less than 2 threads on the same topic and for shit's sake make sure the links don't work.

Anyway, it is with great regret that we'll have to press on at BP without Fred and his tremendous input over our, often times, willy-nilly conduct. You should all expect that any decisions made around here will go back to being completely arbitrary and capricious. As always, gifts intended to influence your mods here to "look the other way" are highly encouraged.

Thanks, and good luck.

pr ck(s)
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