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BUCKYLE;1911971; said:
The NCAA just ruled me ineligible for this post.
Well, they have a system at the NCAA

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Zippercat;1911962; said:
Maybe this has been discussed in detail elsewhere here, but if so I've not seen it. I don't see how there's any chance that games in which ineligible athletes played can not be vacated.

The first line of the Notice of Allegations reads: "It was reported that between November 2008 and May 2010?" (Emphasis added). Depending upon when in November, 2008 that occurred, that means that OSU most likely used ineligible athletes for part of the 2008 regular season and (unless the cuprite(s) graduated/left the team) perhaps the entire 2009 and 2010 regular seasons. Ineligible athletes were also apparently used for the 2008 Fiesta Bowl vs. Texas (well, at least we won't have to vacate that game :() and the 2009 Rose Bowl vs Oregon. Depending upon when the events occured in November, 2008, the 2008 Big Ten Championship may be vacated along with the 2009 and 2010 championships.

OK, I know that much of this occurred before Tress received his emails starting in April, 2010. But, will that really stop the Committee on Infractions from vacating the games? Seems likely they will use the "should have known" approach to toss 'em all out.
Everyone is already freaked out a little, and I do not want to add to it so much, but the NCAA is widening its probe to include prior years and asking about other players besides the tatfive. Where they are going with that I do not know. But the NCAA going back to 2008 and asking about compliance efforts over the last several years and demanding to know which other players - even if no longer there - were selling shit for tats and cash - well, that cannot be a comforting thing.

Thanks for the freaking tweet about how selling shit at the tat place was not new news, whoever did that. :shake:
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BUCKYLE;1911917; said:
No one is saying he was protecting them from the fucking NCAA. He was, imo, protecting them from a known drug dealer under federal investigation.

How is Tressel shooting an email to a businessman in PA better protection against a drug dealer than Tressel asking Ohio State's attorneys and/or the compliance dept what they should do to keep the players safe?
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OSU_D/;1912021; said:
How is Tressel shooting an email to a businessman in PA better protection against a drug dealer than Tressel asking Ohio State's attorneys and/or the compliance dept what they should do to keep the players safe?

Because the "businessman" was a mentor to TP, From what I've understood, with Terrelle's father's health issues, maybe even a guardian type.

I understand I may be being a bit naive, and I don't give a fuck. Sports isn't about living in the real world. If it were, someone would've noticed McGwire's 45" neck before 2000.

To me, this is like Clinton lying over a blowjob. Sure, he shouldn't have lied...but a blowjob isn't illegal, and the guys selling their own shit shouldn't be either. The fact that the same "governing body" that is responsible for punishing everyone involved is the same corrupt group of hypocrites cashing the fucking checks with "Pryor" written in the memo line just makes me fucking sick.
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BUCKYLE;1912024; said:
To me, this is like Clinton lying over a blowjob. Sure, he shouldn't have lied...but a blowjob isn't illegal, and the guys selling their own [Mark May] shouldn't be either. The fact that the same "governing body" that is responsible for punishing everyone involved is the same corrupt group of hypocrites cashing the [censored]ing checks with "Pryor" written in the memo line just makes me [censored]ing sick.
Exactly. Tress lying to the NCAA is like lying to Mafia about a traffic ticket or something. Sure you shouldn't do it but it's not like the NCAA has a moral leg to stand on here.
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Systems_id;1912064; said:
Exactly. Tress lying to the NCAA is like lying to Mafia about a traffic ticket or something. Sure you shouldn't do it but it's not like the NCAA has a moral leg to stand on here.

Congratulations! Welcome to the Club of Condoning Lying, Misrepresentation and Rule Breaking to Gain An On-Field Advantage.

You can pick up your Auburn and USC gear at the long table to your right.

Move along, lots of people to process. :wink:
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