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Buckeye86;1911804; said:
Acting like the only reason people are willing to defend Coach Tressel is due to his accomplishment on the football field with a focus against tsun does a disservice to those fans defending him and coach Tressel's accomplishments outside of the realm of football.

An increased focus on academics, community service, a rock solid network with many of the high school coaches and programs in Ohio, as well as a network of support in times of need (see: Ryan Anderson) are just a small fraction of the outstanding work that Coach Tressel has done off the field that has earned him so much support in Buckeye Nation and across the state of Ohio.

Stop pretending like the only reason he has support is due to winning football games. That is not even close to the entire story and pretending like it is is extremely disingenuous and a bogus argument.

Thank you. He made a mistake in this situation and will pay for it. Depending upon what you believe about the man's character, this is either no big deal to him or no matter what punishment is final, he's suffering internally a lot more than any of us are....
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SmoovP;1911900; said:

But the other side of that coin is that if he had just finished up a couple of 6 win seasons, he'd be toast no matter how much good work he has done off the field.

If he'd just finished a couple of 6 win seasons with this roster, he would have been gone before the bowl season even started.
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Tlangs;1911842; said:
This isn't going to change whether or not JT is fired. If they were going to fire him, they would have done it months ago. If they fire him now, it looks like a tactic to avoid penalties. Nothing has changed in the last two months except a hearing date is set.
Or you can look at it this way... after paying out millions to Jim O'Brien for firing him too quickly the university is taking its time and making sure everything is investigated correctly before firing Tressel. I'm not saying that is what will happen but it is a possibility I have not yet seen expressed (though it may have, I haven't read every post in the thread).
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SmoovP;1911896; said:
I respectfully disagree.

Protecting the 'kids' from the consequences of their actions isn't doing them any favors. We all get angry when the 'pampered athlete' gets special treatment simply because they can run fast, throw a ball well, etc. Letting them skate after they knowingly break the rules is a terrible, terrible thing to do for them. It reinforces the idea that they are better than normal people and don't have to play by the same rules as everyone else.

When my kids break the rules, they have to face the consequences.

Anything less, and I am not living up to my responsibilities as their father.

I have no real opinion if this measures up to a fireable offense for Coach Tressel, but he for sure didn't do them any favors as human beings.
No one is saying he was protecting them from the fucking NCAA. He was, imo, protecting them from a known drug dealer under federal investigation.
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Buckeye86;1911804; said:
Acting like the only reason people are willing to defend Coach Tressel is due to his accomplishment on the football field with a focus against tsun does a disservice to those fans defending him and coach Tressel's accomplishments outside of the realm of football.

An increased focus on academics, community service, a rock solid network with many of the high school coaches and programs in Ohio, as well as a network of support in times of need (see: Ryan Anderson) are just a small fraction of the outstanding work that Coach Tressel has done off the field that has earned him so much support in Buckeye Nation and across the state of Ohio.

Stop pretending like the only reason he has support is due to winning football games. That is not even close to the entire story and pretending like it is is extremely disingenuous and a bogus argument.

You make some valid points. I'll also bet my life's savings that at least 50% of Tressel's defenders are unaware of most of them and support him because of his record on the football field. Similarly, if his record was barely over .500 some of those loyal people lauding his off the field achievements would've been calling for his head years ago.

To totally dismiss such arguments as "disengenuous and bogus" sounds woefully naive to me. A fan base the size of ours absolutely has some of those types of people.
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SmoovP;1911900; said:

But the other side of that coin is that if he had just finished up a couple of 6 win seasons, he'd be toast no matter how much good work he has done off the field.

Damn. I gotta agree with you on that one, Smoov. Look at what happened to Randy Shannon down there in Miami. That guy took over one of the most gangsta programs over there. Under his watch, I believe the stat was there was only one player who was arrested in his four years as the HC. He went 28- 22 and got ran out of town.

Frank Solich won nine games in his final year, won over 75% of his games as a coach, never had a losing season. He also saw promise in some guy named Bo. Heck, he won at least nine games in all of his seasons (except for one where he was .500) and and got run for Billy C.

R.C. Slocum won over 70% of his games, never had a losing season, and got run.
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BUCKYLE;1911917; said:
No one is saying he was protecting them from the fucking NCAA. He was, imo, protecting them from a known drug dealer under federal investigation.

To the point that he couldn't trust tOSU's own compliance office? or his boss? or tOSU's general legal counsel? That explanation didn't make sense to me when Tressel suggested it, either.

Even if I pretend I buy it, for sake of discussion, to send in the compliance statement in September (and tell none of the above parties), then go through the suspensions in December (and still tell none of the above parties), and only talk about it after emails are found on your computer is an extreme lack of judgment on JT's part. That's the nice version of it. To the outside world it looks like he covered it up and hoped it would go away. If this was any other coach but Jim Tressel that would be the overwhelming opinion here as well.

I have a hard time believing the explanation. JT's a lot smarter than that. He has to know better.
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Jake;1911922; said:
To totally dismiss such arguments as "disengenuous and bogus" sounds woefully naive to me. A fan base the size of ours absolutely has some of those types of people.

The argument I was talking about wasn't that fans like that don't exist, it is that winning is the reason the fan base is marching "lock step" in support of Tressel.

If Tressel only won games without the off field benevolence, it would be a different story.

If Tressel only had the off field benevolence with a losing record, it would be a different story.

The two combined is what gives him so much support. Acting like it is all because of one thing or the other is clearly wrong... as we have both now pointed out.
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Maybe this has been discussed in detail elsewhere here, but if so I've not seen it. I don't see how there's any chance that games in which ineligible athletes played can not be vacated.

The first line of the Notice of Allegations reads: "It was reported that between November 2008 and May 2010?" (Emphasis added). Depending upon when in November, 2008 that occurred, that means that OSU most likely used ineligible athletes for part of the 2008 regular season and (unless the cuprite(s) graduated/left the team) perhaps the entire 2009 and 2010 regular seasons. Ineligible athletes were also apparently used for the 2008 Fiesta Bowl vs. Texas (well, at least we won't have to vacate that game :() and the 2009 Rose Bowl vs Oregon. Depending upon when the events occured in November, 2008, the 2008 Big Ten Championship may be vacated along with the 2009 and 2010 championships.

OK, I know that much of this occurred before Tress received his emails starting in April, 2010. But, will that really stop the Committee on Infractions from vacating the games? Seems likely they will use the "should have known" approach to toss 'em all out.
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