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Looking at Ohio's long-range forecast makes me want to hit someone in the head with a brick. I hate "winters" like this. It seriously does piss me off.

Can't recall right now, so it may have been my daughter's Ancestry lineage, and not mine, but there was a king of Denmark or Norway back in the 700's in there--so maybe your Viking blood theory is true.

A week ago, some of the long range forecasts had a huge storm moving through the appalachians which would end up with us being really cold (like highs in the teens cold)...all of the models have since pushed that storm well out to sea and made us warm up substantially. Long range forecasts suck by and large.

That said, it's an El Nino winter, which usually means warmer than usual and drier. So far we have been warmer but not nearly as dry as we usually are. I'll take it.
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Next Sunday the GFS model has us getting some light snow actually...with a small accumulation...


Won't actually happen, but it's something...
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Next Sunday the GFS model has us getting some light snow actually...with a small accumulation...


Won't actually happen, but it's something...

Well, no...of course it won't happen. Not around Columbus. They can't get a prediction right for our weather within the same 24-hour time frame, much less days ahead of time.
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This really is bull[Mark May]. It's not just the no snow "winter", it's the warm weather too. It also fucking sucks working 2nd shift because I could realistically wear shorts and a sleeveless shirt on my way into work at 2pm, but by the time I get off it's 30 degrees colder so I need a sweatshirt and jeans. If i wear a long sleeve shirt and jeans into work, I sweat my ass off for the first half of the night.

I wore T-shirt and shorts to Zoo lights tonight in Quahog.
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How about to threaten the chin pubed idiots who grow a "beard" in the winter that is an embarrassment.
All true effort for complete beardage is commendable. Beard shaming has to stop. If you're growing and trimming and slicking stuff and it looks like shit, cut it. If you let testosterone do its job and it's still stringy, I applaud you just the same as my viking ancestors
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